new weapon SSD

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You've been Orochimaru's pupil for almost a year now and have kinda made nice with Tayuya but still couldn't look Kabuto in the eye even though he was genuine, but hey one the good note you and Sakon we're somehow going strong and you had made a new weapon that you were going to show to your sensei, it was called Sand Snake Dagger or SSD for short. 

*knock knock* "Come in." you walked into your sensei's room/office and told him "Orochimaru-sensei I have a new weapon and I wanted you to be the first to see it." "What is it?" you nodded and out slithered a little sand-colored snake into your hand "This is my Sand Snake Dagger basically it uses my opponents DNA and attacks them with a very potent venom which so far has no antidote, when it's in attack mode or when I tell him to kill somebody he takes the form of a snake but when he's dormant," the snake then turned into a three-pronged kunai "he looks like this." "Why do you call it a 'he'?" "Well, when he's a snake he's a male."

Orochimaru nodded "How did you make him?" "I used the biology and chemistry you taught me and used the lab along with a small bit of my chakra, made the most potent venom I could, and somehow made this." "So with your opponent's DNA, he can kill them, what if there's more than one opponent?" "Then I can either give him more than one person's DNA or I can point them out, however, the more people's DNA I give him the less potent the venom is so It's easier and more efficient." "Use it on the next mission." you nodded and bowed leaving the room.

You went to your room kinda dreading your mission, you didn't want to go back to the leaf and face Kiba. *Flashback* "Hey (y,n)!" "Oh hey, Kiba-sama  what are you doing here?" "wanna help me train?" "Sure." *time skip* "Um (y,n) wanna join me at Ichiraku later?" "Of course Kiba." *end flashback*  You and Kiba were close and you saw him as more than a friend and confessed to him before you left to train with Gaara, that seemed like forever ago, and you knew that Lady Tsunade would put him in the team to recover Sasuke, that is if he agrees. 

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