Rest before test

36 4 12

(except Tayuya is lee and uses her own attacks and I'm Gaara)

A few months had passed since I decided to learn under a legendary sannin and it was a shame to say that after a while kabuto went right back to torturing me thankfully from my break I started to heal myself quicker and pushed Kabuto off of me and held my own until the injuries got too bad and Orochimaru had to step in until finally my contact with Kabuto was cut off. 

With Orochimaru teaching me medicine and cures to the most incurable diseases like the black plague I became almost as strong as that four-eyed orphan. "Y,n take a break you're going to have your first test tomorrow." "Really Orochimaru-sensei are you sure I'm ready?" "You'll be fine if anything happens I'll step in." I nodded and left to roam the halls 'I wonder why Anko wanted to kill him Orochimaru is a pretty cool sensei, even if he is 2 days older than dirt' you thought before bumping into a familiar 6 armed embrace "Hey careful there sandy."

  ( A,n here Sandy is Kidomaru's nickname for you because you spent so much time in the sand village) "Really Kido, anyway want to mess with Tayuya?" "You know it now hop on." I hopped on the spider-like man's back as he carried me to Tayuya. During the time I've been at the hideout I've gotten closer with the sound four, hell me and the twins were the closest not to mention I had developed feelings for them specifically Sakon he was the more dominant one and was closer to my age by a couple of minutes, so they were 14 I didn't care.

 "What do you want brat?" Tayuya asked with spite in her voice "What we can't breathe in your presence, your highness." Kidomaru snickered distracting her as I grabbed a handful of the pinkette's hair bending her backward "Wow bitch I actually snuck up on you for a change, Kido get the sharpie." "You better fucking not." Tayuya growled somehow managing to escape my grasp (Watch the vid above to see the fight srry I'm lazy) As Tayuya collapsed you took a deep breath and sighed "Alright draw a dick imma go walk."

 I groaned as I started to walk the halls before I had to go to bed leaving Kidomaru to do whatever he wanted to and unconscious Tayuya. It was peaceful in the labyrinth I've called home for the past eight months and I had a lot of time on my hands now that I had a break from training and thought about god knows what that I had pushed to the back of my brain, while I was lost in thought I didn't realize a figure standing behind a pillar staring at me.

  (Ukon and Sakon pov) "Just confess to her already Sakon." Ukon groaned getting tired of his brother hiding his feelings not to mention the seemingly endless sleepless nights he's had, being forced to listen to his brother moaning (y,n)'s name during his *Shudder* wet dreams "I can't you know that she'll reject me just like Tayuya did." 

*flashback*  "Ok I can do this I'll tell her how I feel."  Sakon said as he took a deep breath and walked up to the pink-haired girl he had  feelings for since he first saw her "Umm Tayuya I need to talk to you." he somehow managed to get out with his usual expression  "Sure what is it." this was it the moment he had been waiting for "I-i like you and I want to be more than friends." Tayuya didn't hesitate when she responded "Ew why would I date you." she gave a disgusted face and walked away. *end flashback*  

A single tear rolled across his cheek and he walked away holding back more tears refusing to let himself be weak around her, around anyone.  

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