Getting back

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Despite the condition, you were in you stared at Kabuto and released a smug grin and pointed to him, and asked your sensei "Can I help?". Kabutos pov: When (y,n) asked that if she could help I panicked a little I've seen how sadistic she can be so I was in trouble.

  *flashback*  next preliminary battle is (y,n) vs Kin Tsuchi ... fight "You're not fit to be a kunoichi you're a freak!" Kin yelled at (y,n) but all (y,n) did was snicker "I've gone through hell and back fighting for my beliefs and you think you can take me down well you have another thing coming." "Blood boil!" the crowd watched as the sound ninja writhed in pain and you laughed maniacally. *end flashback*

  "(y,n) come on don't do this to me please baby girl." *regular pov* You smiled sadistically but there was hurt and anger in your eyes "You really think I'm going to spare you after what you did to me after I begged and pleaded with you to stop after everything you put me through you think I'm going to have mercy think again and in case it wasn't obvious you two-faced lying motherfucking orphan we're over."

 you focused your chakra and controlled a nearby snake making it bite Kabuto's wrists making them bleed before making sand go into his bloodstream in order to control him like a puppet. "Why didn't you move your sand in the cuts I made?" Orochimaru said faking a hurt voice "It's easier then the cut is closer to a vein." you responded before making Kabuto pick up a rusty scalpel and putting it dangerously close to his Achilles tendon and almost burst out in laughter at his eyes going wider than his glasses and him violently shaking his head despite him being your puppet "Oh what is it Kabuto do you not want me to cripple you." 

you said making puppy eyes, without waiting for a reply you nicked the tendon which made Kabuto hold in a scream. An hour passed and Kabuto was covered in little cuts and one or two broken bones including a couple of ribs as payback for what he did to you, after you had gotten back at him you limped your way back to your room only making halfway before Ukon and Sakon saw you struggling and separated to help you get back to your room.

 When you got to your room the twins set you down on your bed and started to walk out but stopped dead in their tracks when they heard what you said "I'm sorry for what I said before you know the parasite thing." you couldn't tell with their faces turned away from you but they were blushing "Its fine just don't let Kabuto get to you and don't ever trust Tayuya unless you're asking her to kill someone." Ukon spoke as they left, you nodded and decided to spend the time you had till your next lesson healing your injuries. 

Orochimaru's pupilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora