Consulting a "friend"

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Another day another torture it had been three weeks since you've started learning under Orochimaru "sensei" that snake bastard he probably knew exactly what was going on too but what could you do about it, you walked out of your room, well if you could call it walking more like hobbling

"(y,n) you ok?" you look up to see Tayuya with her usual expression plastered on "Y-ya I'm ok" you lied after all your first impression with the pink hair wasn't all that great "Well you don't look it anything you wanna tell me?" "N-no I'm fine." you tried to walk faster but it wasn't working "Hey us girls have to stick together here you can tell me anything."

That was your breaking point you couldn't stand it anymore so you began crying "I can't take it any more Kabuto tortures me and does... things to me he uses me as his test dummy I want to get out of here Tayuya please help me." she smiled at you "Of course I'll help you go to Kabuto like this never happened and I'll go get lord Orochimaru ok?"

You nodded and Tayuya ran off.

"Kabuto I-I'm here" a sharp kunai hit your arm, "You thought you could get away huh, escape maybe think again bitch" instead of the normal beatings that would take place it was worse because Kabuto had Tayuya as a partner "She hates needles right well inject her." "You call that a broken bone I'll show you a broken bone" It went like that all day

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