Test time

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You got out of bed ready for the test and put on your kunoichi outfit which thankfully was not like the hideous uniforms Orochimaru makes his "bodyguards" wear (Pick one of the outfits above). Walking out of your room you made a beeline to the arena where you knew your test would be, you arrived into the arena and saw the sound four and Kabuto 'this is going to be fun' you thought "This is your chance to prove yourself to me (y,n) if you pass I'll keep you as my student but if you fail." your sensei didn't need to finish his sentence you knew that he would let you go but would keep you under constant surveillance to make sure you didn't reveal the hideout's location so you nodded and glared at the opponents 'Don't hold back right now their enemies' you thought as you made the first move (Except the commands to join or die and the curse mark shit)

You somehow stood victorious which had multiple scratches all over your body and looked over at your sensei who nodded at you as you left to your room "WAIT!" you looked back and saw the twins struggling to stand which was understandable since it was a miracle you could walk yourself. You walked over to them and extended your hand "We're comrades now you fought well." Sakon smirked and grabbed your hand to which you helped him walk leaving the others who were knocked out.

 You sat them on your bed and began to heal their wounds which were worse than yours "Sorry bout these I guess I went a little overboard." "Don't worry about it in fact next time go overboard even harder." you nodded and went back to work, a few minutes past but it seemed like hours due to the awkward silence between you until, "Um (y,n)," you looked up from healing your own wounds since you had finished the twins a little bit ago "What is it Sakon?"

 "well, I was wondering, that if you, but if you don't that's fine, what I'm trying to say is, goddammit ." you snickered and blushed a little at his jumble of words 'He's cute when he's confused' "What he's trying to say is he likes you." Ukon spoke up cuz he knew at the rate it was going at Sakon would never tell you. The two of you stared at the other in complete shock before Sakon stood up and rushed out the door "I'm sorry it was stupid of me." leaving you a blushing mess and feeling bad for him at the same time.

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