Chapter Ten- The Men In Black... My Hero's

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He smirked and looked me over. The near blackness of his eyes showed me his anger and lust as if they were a flickering flame of his emotions. This man wasn't hard to read so his intent wasn't concealed from me. He was here to kill me, but seemed to have his own... agenda... to fill before he did just that.

"Hey there sweet cheeks," his grin is salacious and wide. "I bet you know what I'm here for. Frankly, I'm surprised at what I see. From what I've been told, you're nearly undefeatable. You even killed my partner."

All I could do was stare at him blankly. Who was his partner? I've killed so many people that it could have been anyone. He just laughs at the look on my face.

"You shot him in broad daylight while he was in the Luna Park Cafe?" He just watched closely for my reaction. I knew now, but still kept my emotion in check. "You really don't remember? How many people have you killed in that one cafe?"

"I don't know, I've killed a lot of people. I've made almost one hundred and fifty kills in seven years or so." Sad part is, it's true. I'm well trained and in high demand among the agents. They take an emotional hit every time they kill, but I have no real emotions after kills so it means I'm able to do job on top of job and in mass.

Don't get me wrong, I plan carefully and flawlessly pull it off. Sadly -and I don't like saying this at all- I'm a natural at it. I've just killed a lot in a short amount of time. The assignment with Regina's parents has been my slowest paced assignment there is. Usually, I work more than one job at a time.

"You are one sick little girl," he sneers. "You'll deserve everything that you get."

Then his hand travels up in the air. I was sure that soon, my cheek would be red and stinging from the wrath of this mans hatred for me. Instead, he places it on my cheek and strokes my face. I screw my eyes shut, frozen with a memory.

"Most dangerous person ever known? Psh, yeah right!" He leers at me.

"I am the most dangerous person ever known." My laugh is full of malice. I had since recovered from my memory.

"So far, I find that had to believe."

"Five seconds to run and I won't hurt you... too much." I grin sweetly.

"Like I'm going to fall for that!" He snorts.

"One... two... three.... It's not wise to stay any long. I really suggest that you move."

"Make. Me."

"You asked fo-" There was a squealing of tires that drown out my voice.

"Sorry, what did you say?" He smiles a salacious smile of satisfaction.

"I said, you asked for-" The man was ripped away suddenly. I look around, dazed and confused. What just happened?

I look once again and what I see in front of me is the men in black, beating the hell out of trench coat guy. Okay, be happy that they saved you. Who am I kidding? I wanted to beat the shit out of these men! They took the thrill out of getting my revenge away from me. Oh wow, I'm freaking pouting!

"What the hell do you guys think you're doing? Do you think this guy is some sort of alien? Because I don't buy that shit."

Trench coat guy now lay unconscious two feet away from me. The men in black stood and turned to me. Was that amusement dancing in the depths of their irises? Oh yeah, the men in black reference....

"I ask you to come with us Miss Blake Reid." The first man said in a deep, gravely voice.

Staring at them, I took in their features. The first one was tall, ghostly white, muscular, thinning hair, and nice pressed suit with tie and all in a charcoal black. The second one was short, sun kissed, a bit less muscular than guy number one, thick blond curls, and the same suit. Guy one had moss green eyes and guy two -when he finally removed his shades- had brilliant baby blues.

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