Chapter 1 - The Shocking News

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Hi again, everyone! Here I am with another Elvis fan fiction. I just love writing these Elvis stories since its fun to see what situations I can throw him into. I've written one other story where he falls in love with a maid, but that was his house maid. This is a hotel maid, and yes, I got the idea from the movie "Maid in Manhattan" with Jennifer Lopez. Anyway, enjoy the story!

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"Okay, everyone, hush!"

My co-workers reduced their chatting after our supervisor gave her order as we all stood in the employee area of Hyatt Hotel. I wasn't normally a chatter box, but I just couldn't help but let my excitement take over the whole of me. All the girls and women who worked with me knew that Elvis Presley was coming to Seattle to be in a movie that would take place near the Space Needle, just half-a-mile away. None of us would be able to think straight if we knew he was in the same city as us.

"Thank you," said Mrs. Hewitt, our supervisor, and who was also vice president of the hotel. She was a tall woman of about fifty who was in a prim gray suit and skirt ensemble - a far cry from the light-blue maids dresses that the rest of us women had to wear. She was in charge of us maids and butlers. She held up her clipboard like she usually did for every morning meeting, the tip of her pen against it. "Now, we have quite a few things to go over today, and I want you all to keep your heads about you as I go over them, understand?"

Now why would she say a thing like that? She never told us to keep our heads about us while she went over needed tasks to be done during the day or information we needed to know.

"Do you have any idea why she said that?" my co-worker and friend Carry Snow said, a blonde girl my age who had large blue eyes. She had all the boys after her no matter where she went. Me? Well, not many boys around were interested in Asian girls.

"I don't know," I whispered back.

"So, to start," began Mrs. Hewitt, "The large family staying on the fifth floor in the north wing is leaving this morning at seven. Miss Snow, Kim, McArthur, and Etan will be in charge of cleaning those rooms."

"I guess we'll be busy all day," Carry said in a chuckle to me.

"Yes, we will. That family of twelve most likely trashed those five rooms."

Mrs. Hewitt went on to assign three more tasks, and by the end, I yawned. It was 6am, and I stayed up until midnight reading Elvis's latest interview in the paper, so I didn't get a lot if sleep.

"Now, there is one more very important thing that I wanted to save for last," Mrs. Hewitt said. "Next week, we will be having a very special guest come into the hotel, and I want to make sure that this place is at its best before he gets here. Before then, as you go about your other tasks, I want you all to make rounds throughout the hotel, and make sure all is up to par as far as cleanliness. I have already spoken with the kitchen about this as well. We want everything to be just perfect."

"Who is the special guest?" asked one of my male co-workers Jimmy who was a tall bean pole of twenty-five. He was a handsome brunette that I had my eye on since I started working at the hotel three years ago.

Mrs. Hewitt gazed around at us for a moment, building anticipation like she did before she revealed special guests to us. This person was most likely a celebrity coming to Seattle.


"This is why I instructed the lot of you to keep your heads about you, and I hope you all act in a professional manner if you happen to come across him.  And I'm mainly speaking to the young ladies. He has been to Seattle before, just not at this specific hotel."

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