2. Missing practice

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A/N ok so I know I'm going to regret writing this at 10:20pm because I have to wake up early but I really wanted to piste so here it is!!!

Again the age skips around in the first few chapters but ill tell you when.

*WARNING THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SELF HARM AND SWEARING * I was debating on weather or not to put this in but I decided it strengthens the plot so here we goooooo!


Age 16

Sam's POV

Walking out of my third period class I duck my head and try to stay unnoticed. 'Only one more period until I get to go home and hangout with Niall, only one more period." I try to convince myself.

I stopped in my tracks realizing it is only Tuesday, and that on Tuesdays Niall had football practise. And after football practice on every Tuesday Niall would hang out with all the popular kids. Ever since he joined the football team he has become popular.

And even though I was ecstatic that Niall made the team, I hated Tuesdays.

When suddenly someone bumped into me knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Watch out loser!" They shouted trying to get through the crowded hallway before the bell rang for last class.

Again I ducked my head down and started walking to my fourth period class.

Now you are probably wondering why I am not my happy go lucky self? Well I'll tell you why, ever since Niall has joined the football team, Prudence has stopped bullying him, which is great for Niall I love him he is my best friend! But it's not for me.

Ever since I stood up the Prudence three years ago she's been bullying me too, and I could handle it for a while, until Niall joined the football team, and she started to bully me more and more to the point where any chance she could she would put me down and say bad things.

But today was worse. Today Prudence was switched to my seconded period calls meaning that she was in all four of my classes and had the chance to personally victimize me throughout my whole day, and not have to have everyone else in the school point me out.

As the crowed started to thin out I sped up knowing I had to make it past her locker before she noticed me. But I was too late.

Prudence had saw me.

"Look at that fat, ugly bitch! How could Niall ever be friends with her, Go die in a hole!" She spat as her two evil sidekicks laughed behind her.

That was it that was all it took for me to break down, I couldn't take it anymore. As the tears streamed down my face I dropped my books and pushed past the few people still in the hallways.

'Keep going, just a little bit more, just run past this small group of people, down the stairs out the door and you'll be home.' I told myself trying not to fall with my blurred vision due to the tears draining from my eyes.

"Sam? Sam stop!" I knew that voice, it was Niall. He had been apart of the small group in the hall.

When I finally reached him, he put his hands on my arms stopping my from going further.

"Sammy what's wrong?" His voice was panicked and worried.

"I-I-I cant t-take it a-a-anymore!" I stuttered. As I pushed past Niall and started sobbing violently as I ran down the stairs.

"SAM! SAMANTHA!" I heard Niall shout but I don't look back, I just run out the door.


"Good" I thought aloud as I got home and ran up to my room.

I ran to my bathroom and set down my phone. Looking in the mirror the tears still flowing down my cheeks as Prudence's words kept coming back into my head.

'Go die in a hole!'

'Fat ugly Bitch!'

'Why would Niall ever be friends with her?!'

I realized she was right.

Ignoring the constant stream of phone calls from Niall that were coming though on my phone, I pulled open my my mirror and grabbed a razor bladed from the shelf.

Pushing myself to lean against the wall, I slid down to the cold bathroom tile floor. I rip off my bracelets that cover my wrist and throw them across the small room. Staring at the razor blade I bring it up to my now bare wrist, and push down sliding it across my wrist. Feeling the sting of the sharp blade against my wrist takes away some of the pain that I am desperate to get rid of. Making another cut on my wrist I watch some of the blood ooze out and hit the white tile floor, as I raise the blade to my arm again Niall bursts through my bedroom door out of breath and stops when he sees what I am doing.

Quickly he runs over grabbing the blade from my hand, throwing it in the garbage and grabbing a towel to wrap around my wrist to stop the bleeding. He sits down beside me and puts me in his lap so he is holding me as he shushes me while I cry into his chest.

"Prudence was right I am fat and ugly. Why are you still my friend? You don't need me dragging you down. Your popular now. You don't want me ruining your popularity status so why haven't you stop being my friend yet? I don't get it." I say to Niall.

"Sam don't listen to Prudence she is a f*cking twat! You are beautiful and amazing and I could care less about being popular! You are my best friend, you saved me from doing what you are doing three years ago when you moved here, you have stuck by me through thick and thin! And I am not about to leave you just because you are going through some hard times, I'm going to be here for you no mater what happens. And you know why I will always be here for you?" I didn't answer.

"Sam look at me." I listened and looked into his blue eyes with my own.

"I will never let make you leave. Sam, it's just like you said the day we first met. I will ALWAYS be your best friend forever till the end, whether you like or not."

I chuckled remembering the first day we met, "I knew there was a reason why I loved you!" I hugged him.

He fake gasped "There is lots of reasons for loving me! I am cute, I love food, I'm blond, I'm Irish and I'm your best friend!"

"Ok ok there is lots of reasons for loving you" I gave in.

"Let's bandage your arm up and go downs stairs and watch a movie." He said grabbing the bandages from behind the mirror.

"Aren't you going to miss your football practice?"

"I can miss a practice. Besides I want to spend the day with my favourite person in the world!" Niall said winking.

"Yah! I can't wait for xfactor to be on tomorrow! They are going to be at the judges house!" I say totally changing the topic. Typical me always getting distracted.

Niall put down the leftover bandage and we headed downstairs.

"Me either its going to be Craic!" Niall responded while putting in the Avengers DVD and coming to sit down beside me on the couch, wrapping his arm around me while I put my head on his shoulder.

Just before the movie started Niall turned to me, "Sam promise me you won't ever cut again."

"Promise." I said as he smiled and kissed my forehead and turned back to the movie.

And in that moment remembering everything Niall said to me I realized something.

I realized I am falling for my best friend.

I am falling for Niall Horan.


A/N so it is now 12:40 meaning it took me 2 hours and 20 minutes!

Well I don't know if you will agree with me but I say that is a good 2 hours and 20 minutes well spent!!!

Well I really hope you guys like this story !!!

P.S. comment, vote, and share please!!!!!!

P.P.S. you guys are amazing!

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