Chapter 31 "Ready to become the next level"

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Nonny's POV:

The next Day, Both Me and Oona got ready to go to work early in the morning. Once I arrived at work, I started to get to work by started to dig for Fossils or anything that I can find under the ground.


(1 month later)

A Month Pass and It was Saturday Today and Both Me and Oona was eating breakfast but than I noticed that Oona looked a little sad?

"Hey Oona, Are You okay?" I Asked and Oona smiled.

"Yes, I'm Fine" Said Oona but I knew something was wrong.

"I'm just gonna say that Something is wrong, So What's Wrong?" I Asked and-

"Nonny, Are You sure that You wanna hear what I am sad about?" Asked Oona and-

"Yes Oona, I don't like it when You are sad, I wanna see what beautiful smile of Yours, So Please tell Me what is wrong" I Said and Oona sigh and She looked at Me and-

"Okay...Well...I know it's been a month since We got married and I am afraid that I might be going to fast for You and I'm scared that You're gonna be mad because-" Said Oona but than I cut Her off By Gently Kissing Her on The Lips and Oona blushed hard.

"Well...What was one way to keep Me quiet" Said Oona and I laughed.

"Oona, Please don't ever think like that, I love You and You love Me and It was never been too fast for Me, So We can take it slow if You want, Do You feel like We are going too fast?" I Asked

"No, Of Course not, Nonny but There is one other thing I wanna tell You something but I'm afraid that You might break Up with M-" Said Oona but I cut Her off and-

"Oona, I want You to look into My Eyes and See if This Person wants to break Up with You, This Person is telling You that He would rather do anything else than Breaking Up with You" I Said and Oona smiled.

"Thank You" Said Oona and I smiled.

"Anyways, You wanna tell Me what You want to tell Me?" I Asked and Oona took a deep breathe and-

"Well The whole reason why I am telling You This is because..." Said Oona and-

"I want Us to be a Family" Said Oona but than I felt My cheeks getting really warm and I was so speechless at This point, I didn't know what to say but I actually am really Happy!

"Y-You want Us to be a Family? Like Us? You and Me?" I Asked and Oona nodded Her head and She looked worried and I hugged Her and-

"You're not mad?" Asked Oona and-

"Mad? I'm Happy! I always wanted a Family and I wanted to make a family with You, Oona, Nobody else, Just You" I Said and Oona started to blushed and smiled.

"S-So Does That mean, We can have Children soon and be the best parents ever and watch Them grow Up and I actually can't believe that You said 'Yes' Oh My God Nonny! You're so nice and cute!" Said Oona and She was jumping Up and Down and I smiled and-

"You too! I'm The lucky Guy under The sea!" I Said and We both hugged eachother tightly and We both laughed.

"Hey Nonny, I'm so happy that You wanted to have a Family with Me because Our Friends wanted to be Parents too" Said Oona

"So, Should We tell Them that We sure all meet Up because I think We are all ready for the next level" I Said and Both Me and Oona laughed and Oona took out Her phone and-

"So When You do wanna start?" I Asked but than We both started to blushed hard but-

"I-I mean! When ever You are or Feel comfortable than...You can tell Me" I Said but-

"You want Our first Baby, Do You?" Asked Oona and I blushed really hard.

"Okay, You got Me, I really, really wanna meet Our first Baby if We....You Know...." I Said and I didn't wanna to say it because I know Both Me and Oona will feel a little uncomfortable and I know Someone who would feel uncomfortable with This. Anyways, I'm not gonna say it and I definitely will not and Oona will definitely not either and-

"You geek" Said Oona and Both Me and Oona laughed and We both smiled at eachother.


So Me and The Guppies are going out to eat and We are gonna talk about being Parents because all of The Guppies texted Both Me and Oona that They wanted to become parents, Anyways We are at The Restaurant and We are waiting for Our food and-

"Okay, You guys have no idea about Goby being a little annoying, Here I'll tell You all Why, Because He wants to have Kids and So do I but He's being a little un-patient because He wants to do The 'Thing' now" Said Demma

"But I can't help it, Demms, You know that I always wanted to be a Father" Said Goby and-

"I know You do, We've been married for 5 months, We will get to 'that' work later tonight" Said Demma and-

"Speaking of Kids, There is one thing that I forgot to tell You guys that..." Said Gil and He looked at Molly and than He looked at Us and-

"Molly's pregnant" Said Gil and We all were speechless and-

"W-What did You say?" Asked Demma and-

"Gil, You literally texted Us that You wanted to be a Father but Molly is pregnant anyway?!" Asked Zooli

"Well, I guess We kinda did it over the Top" Said Molly and-

"Molly, What do You mean?" Asked Zooli

"Well We kinda did over the top by-" Said Gil but than-

"No" Said Zooli and Gil sigh and-

"Okay Look, I know Me and Molly had been married for about like 9 months and Molly said that She wanted to have Kids and So do I and Come on Let's Just face it, Raise Your hand if You want to a Parent" Said Gil and We raise Our hands and-

"See? We are all honest about like being Parents, We all want to be parents, So This is a good start, Molly is pregnant and Maybe soon, Someone else might become pregnant" Said Gil

"Whatever You say, Bro" Said Goby

"Hey Molly, How late are You?" Asked Oona and-

"I am 1 day Pregnant, So I just found out Yesterday Night when Me and Gil came Home" Said Molly.


(3 month later)

It's been a month now and Here is a little of an Update. Molly is now 3 and Yesterday Zooli and Jaxson said that Zooli is pregnant, So That will be exciting for Them. Anyways, Me and Oona are still working on the...You know and So is Demma and Goby. Anyways, I'm at work right now and I found a 3 Dinosaur Fossils Today and A Dinosaur Footprint, So That means that A Dinosaur might've came across where is My dig Up sight. While I am genlty Brushing off of The dirt of The Dinosaur Fossil, I noticed something or someone....

End of Chapter 31

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