Chapter 46 "Doing Life Stuff with a 9 month old"

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Nonny's POV:

Today is a hot Day and Me, Oona and The Guppies are taking The Little Babies to The Pool. There are Two parts of The Pool, The left side is where Babies and Kids and The Right is for The Adults. Anways We all got stuff Us and The Babies and We made it to The Pool. Once We arrived at The Pool, Me, Oona and The rest of The Guppies took The Babies where The Kids pool is. Before Both Me and Nonlinda went into The Pool, I put Sunscreen on Both Me and Nonlinda and Oona already put Sunscreen on Herself. Anyways I hold Nonlinda and Both Me and Oona watched as Both Nonlinda and Doby was playing Together, Doby was splashing Himself with water and Nonlinda was playing with Her Rattle but than While Oona and Nonlinda was giving eachother High Five, I noticed that Nonlinda was crawling to The Deep Part of The Pool but than I quickly picked Her Up.

"Sorry Honeybunny, You can't go into The Deep end By Yourself, It's way too Dangerous" Said Oona and Nonlinda nodded Her head, So When Nonlinda Nods Her head than That means She understands what Oona means.

(Skip a Little Time)

Both Me and Oona decided to go a little deeper in The Pool But We were still in The Kids Pool area. The Water Over Nonlinda's Tail and It was Up to Nonlinda's Stomach and I noticed that Nonlinda was trying to stand Up while She was in The Water but than She was about to fall back But than I quickly caught Her and I hold Her and I put Her on My Lap and-

"Hey Oona-Luna, Do You like Sea Otters?" I Asked

"I love Sea Otters, Why did You Ask  Nonny?" Asked Oona and I got on My Back and I put Nonlinda on My stomach and-

"Sea Otter Style" I Said and Oona giggled.

"That's So cute" Said Oona and-

"Mother Otters put Their Babies on Their Stomach, That's How They carry Their Babies and How to take care of Them" I Said

"Aww" Said Oona and-

"Also Other Sea Otters hold eachother's hand So They won't be separated" I Said and-

"Wanna be a Sea Otter with Me and Nala?" I Asked and Oona smiled and-

"Oh Yes Please" Said Oona and She swim over to Me, Oona got on Her back and She hold My hand and Oona looked at Me with a smile on Her face and I smiled.

"Now, We are a Family of Sea Otters" Said Oona and I chuckled. I looked Up and than I realized that Nonlinda on My stomach and I looked around and I saw That Nonlinda was Doggy Paddling around Both Me Oona and-

"You're daughter can swim?!" Asked Demma and She was Doby and-

"Dude, Is There anything that You're daughter can't do? Because She can literally do anything just like Her Father" Said Jared and He laughed while He was holding Baby Jordan. Nonlinda started to Doggy Paddling back over to Both Me and Oona and than She Paddle back over to Oona and-

"You did Your first swim!" Said Oona and Oona hugged Nonlinda and Nonlinda clapped Her hands and She giggled a little and I smiled at Nonlinda and-

"High Five, Baby Girl" I Said and Both Me and Nonlinda high five eachother.

(5 minutes Later)

So The Triplets are 15 month old, Both The Twins and Doby are 12 month old and Both Jordan and Nonlinda are 9 month old and Nonlinda is The only one who knows How to Swim and She's been trying to teach All of Her Cousins to swim and It's been going good, Nonlinda, Doby and Jordan are Doggy Paddling around The Kids Pool and-

"P-imo?" Asked Nonlinda and-

"Is Your Daughter speaking Spanish now?!" Asked Gil and Oona started to laugh and-

"The daughter of Nonny is full of adorable Surprises" Said Goby

"P-ima" Said Doby and-

"And Now Our Son is now speaking Spanish" Said Demma and-

"Hey Doby, Can You say any more Spanish?" Asked Demma and-

"G-oo G-oo G-a!" Said Doby and Both Me and Oona brust into laughter and I saw Jordan was Doggy Paddling back to Jared, Doby was Doggy Paddling back to Demma and Nonlinda was Doggy Paddling back over to Me and-

"Are You having Fun at Your first time at The Pool?" Asked Oona and Nonlinda nodded Her head and Both Me and Oona smiled at Nonlinda.

(Skip Time)

We all went Home and When We got back Home, Both Me and Oona gave Nonlinda a bath and After that, I took a shower and than Oona was in The shower right now and Both Me and Nonlinda are in the Livingroom and I was laying on The couch with Nonlinda on My stomach and than I put Nonlinda was the floor and I saw Nonlinda was crawling over to One of Her Favorite Stuffed animals and than I saw that Nonlinda was started to pumping the chest and She was giving Her stuffed Toy mouth to mouth and-

"Are You starting to do CPR on Your Toy?" I Asked and I started to chuckle and I watched as Nonlinda was continue doing CPR and-

"You got that from Me and Oona, Honeybunny" I Said and-

"Is Nala doing CPR?" Asked Oona and-

"Yup, She doing everything that We can do as Adults" I Said and-

"If Nonlinda created a Time machine when She turns 5 years old than I'll be The lucky Guppy in The whole sea" Said Oona and I chuckle.

"Okay, Let's be honest, I have a feeling that will happen" I Said and Oona giggled.

"Hey Nonny, Did You ever wanted to make a time machine?" Asked Oona and-

"It was on My Bucket list but I guess I forgot about that list" I Said and-

"Don't worry, Nala will finish Your Bucket list for You" Said Oona and Both Me and Oona chuckled and Oona sit next to Me and I noticed that Nonlinda was trying to stand Up and than I saw that Nonlinda was standing for about 5 seconds but than She fall back but than I saw that Nonlinda was standing again and than She started to swim slowly and Both Me and Oona reached Our arms out and than Nonlinda started to Swim slowly over to Us and She fell into My arms and Both Me and Oona cheered and Oona clapped Her hands with a small smile on Her face and I kissed Nonlinda on Her cheek.

"We're so proud of You, Nala" I Said and Oona clapped Her hands and Both Nonlinda and Oona High Five eachother and We smiled.

End of Chapter 46 (Sorry for a short Chapter, I'll Update more and Longer, Love You all)

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