Chapter 36 "What happened behind of Those doors of His"

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Jared's POV:

It's been The next day and Baby Jordan is sleeping right now in the livingroom in Her bassinet and I looked at The ring because I want to propose to Ashley. Anyways, I took a deep breath and I put the ring in My pocket and I walked out of My and I walked into the Livingroom and Once I walked into the Livingroom, I noticed that Ashley is wearing Her Jacket and Have Her Suitcase and-

"Hey Ash, Can I talk to You for a second?" I Asked and-

"What is it?" Asked Ashley and I walked over to Her and....

"I know We've been together for like 2 years or...something We have a beautiful Baby Girl and I hope We can keep This Family going, So Ashley" I Said and I got down on one knee and I pull out The ring and-

"Will You marry Me?" I Asked and Ashley looked very shocked and She gently took the ring and She looked at It but than She gently put it back into My hand and-

"I'm sorry...I-I can't, I'm so sorry" Said Ashley and I got worried and-

"What's The Matter?" I Asked and I stand Up and-

"Did I do something wrong?" I Asked and-

"You didn't do anything Jared, I did" Said Ashely and-

"What do You mean?" I Asked

"I'm leaving..." Said Ashley and-

"You're leaving with The Baby?" I Asked but-

"Nope..." Said Ashley but than it hit Me and-

"Wait, You're leaving Us, You're gonna leave Her?" I Asked and-

"B-But Why are You leaving? Did I mess anything up or-" I Asked But-

"No, It's totally not You and I was never planning to stay" Said Ashley and My heart just dropped and-

"I wanted Jordan to know You and Me and...You can give Her Up for adoption if You want but...I know You won't because You always wanted to have a Baby and I know Myself too well" Said Ashley and-

"Look, I won't be a good Mother Her" Said Ashley and-

"Please I can-" I Said but-

"Please Jared, Give Her a good life and tell Her that I love Her" Said Ashley and-

"And She can look Up to Me when She's 17 or 18 years old and I can hang with a Teenager but Not a Baby or a Child" Said Ashley and I hold Her hand and-

"Wait, Can You please hear Me for a second?" I Asked Softly and-

"You smile at Her when She was born, I see The way You look at Her, I mean You look at Her, She puts a smile on Your Face and Your Face lights Up and-" I Said but-

"Everyone faces lights Up when They look at Babies, I am not a Mother and You won't want Me in Her life" Said Ashely and-

"Please" I Said but-

"Please give Her a better life that I can and Be the best parent and Don't give Up hope" Said Ashley and than She walked out of The House with Her Suitcase and Once I was standing There with tears coming into My eyes, I heard Jordan was crying, So I quickly wipe My tears away and I walked over to Jordan and I picked Her Up and I smiled at Her and-

"It's okay Jordan, Daddy's Here and He will take good care of You, I promise" I Said and Jordan stopped crying and I smiled at Her.

"If I didn't had You than I didn't know what would I do...At least I have You" I Said Softly to Her and I gently put Jordan back into Her Bassinet and I took out My phone and I decided to call Ashley but-

I'm sorry but The Person who You are trying to call can't pick Up, Please try again later.

I sigh and I put My phone down and I sit down and I watch as Jordan is sleeping, So I picked Up My phone again and I tried to call Ashley again and-

I'm sorry but the person who You are trying to call, Their number is no longer is in Service

I throwed My phone on the table and I sigh and I cursed under My breath and I stay calm, So I started to call My best friend 'Nonny'

"Hey Dude, Me and Jordan are going to come over" I Said and-

"But what about Ashley?"

"It's just going to be Me and Her" I Said and I hang Up.


Nonny's POV:

Once Jared hang Up, I got worried, So I put the phone down and I continued to feed Baby Nala. While I was feeding Her, Our Green Eyes connected and I Softly smiled at Her and I kissed Her on Her cheek and I sigh and I was getting worried about Jared.

"Nonny, Is everything okay?" Asked Oona and She looked worried and-

"It's Jared, He sounded Upset over the phone, Both Him and Jordan are coming over here in 15 minutes" I Said and-

"But What about Ashley?" Asked Oona and I looked at Her and Oona looked worried.

(Skip Time)

I just put Baby Nala down for Her nap and She's sleeping in Her room. Once I walked into the Livingroom, I heard The doorbell, So I swim over to the door and I saw Jared with a Baby Stroller and-

"Hello...Are You alright?" I Asked and Jared walked in with Baby Jordan and I saw Tears coming down His face and I got really worried and-

"Jared, What's the matter?" Asked Oona and-

"S-She left..." Said Jared and-

"Who?" I Asked and-

"Ashley left..." Said Jared and-

"What?" Asked Both Me and Oona and-

"Ashley leave Me and Jordan...She's Gone...and I am a single Father of My Baby Girl" Said Jared and-

"Wait a minute, Why did She leave You?" Asked Oona and-

"Here's what happen, I just proposed to Her but She rejected My proposal and She wanted to leave, So I don't know where She is, I can't call Her and I can't do anything" Said Jared and-

"So...I wanna talk to You" Said Jared and More tears came down His face and I pulled Him into a hug and-

"It's going to be Okay Buddy, If You want, We can help You take care of Jordan if You want" I Said and Jared smiled and-

"If You also want, We can be The Godparents of Jordan" Said Oona and We smiled at Jared and Jared smiled back at Us and-

"Thanks Guys" Said Jared and-

"But Who's going to be Your child's Godparents?" Asked Jared and-

"Demma and Goby" We Both Said and-

"Drama Queen and Football Boy?" Asked Jared and We laughed and-

"You still call Us by Our nicknames?" Asked Oona

"You got that right, Pigtails" Said Jared and-

"I'm so glad that I have such great Friends like You" Said Jared and-

"Hey, We're a Family, We'll always be here for You" I Said and We smiled and-

"Jordan, You're going to be just fine with Your Daddy and Aunts and Uncles, Don't You worry, Sweetie" Said Jared and We smiled at Him.

End of Chapter 36

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