Episode 1.

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***10,576 words***

Y/n McCall sat on her twin brother Scott's bed reading a book while he got his lacrosse net ready. finally finished, a sigh escaping as she placed the book down on the table beside the bed, just in time to hear a thump come from outside. Y/n looked to Scott who held a finger to his mouth signaling for his sister to not make a sound getting nodded as she followed behind him, he grabbed the baseball bat then continued outside onto the porch, the teens heard another thud, looking over the railing when something or rather someone hung down from the roof, they all let out terrified screams while Scott debated swinging the bat or not, thankfully he didn't. "Whoa!" Yelled the figure hanging upside down. "Stiles! What are you doing!?" Scott yelled. "Well, there's 10 years off of my life" the younger McCall muttered while holding a hand to her chest and going to lean up against the railing. "You weren't answering you phone, neither of you" turning to the H/C haired girl on the last part. "Why do you have a bat?" He questioned Scott. "I thought you were predator!" Scott defended.  "A pre- What!?" Stiles began waving his arms around. "Look I know it's late, but you both have to hear this, I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago. Dispatch called their bringing in every officer in the beacon department and even state police." "For what?" Scott asked hesitantly. "Two joggers found a body in the woods" He answered while jumping down and standing up. "A dead body?" Y/n looks at her brother like what else would it be to bring Stiles here this late. "No, a body of water, yes dumbass a dead body." Stiles replied with a heavy amount of sarcasm as he climbed over the railing to fully stand next to the twins. The three had met in kindergarten, and had been inseparable even since, it's always been the three of them. "You mean like murdered?" Scott sounds horrified. "Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl probably in her 20's" He explained. "Hold on if they found the body, then what are they looking for?" Y/n asked finally adding to the conversation. Stiles looked at her with a wide grin before speaking. "That's the best part," He paused rocking on his heels, "they only found half." Looking between Scott and Y/n before adding, "we're going!" Clearly leaving no room for negotiating.

The trio climbed into stiles' blue jeep before starting off on their body hunt. Less than ten minutes later the jeep pulled up outside the beacon hill preserve, the headlights illuminating the trees for a few seconds before switching off. The teenagers all clambered out of the car, already shivering from the cold air. The McCall girl quickly took a hair band off her wrist and pulled her hair into a messy bun as Stiles switched the flashlight on, lighting up the path, Y/n's hands retracted into the maroon sweater she had wrapped around herself. "We're seriously doing this?" Scott thought out loud as he shut the door to the keep. The hazel-eyed boy rolled his eyes. "You're the one who says nothing ever happens to this town." He claimed moving to walk beside Y/n. Scott frowned. "I was hoping to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." He muttered, pushing a small branch out of the way as he followed behind. His sister couldn't help the scoff that escaped. "Yeah, okay, because sitting on the bench is such hard work." She teased. Stiles chuckled from in front of twins. Scott sighed. "No, because I'm playing this year," he paused, "In fact I'm making first line." Stiles didn't bother turning around as he replied. "Hey, that's the spirt," his tone was drenched in sarcasm. "Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." It was Scott's turn to snicker, "kind of like your dream of-""Shut it!" Stiles pointed at the boy, cutting him off before he could finish his sentence. "You mean the Lydia dream?" Y/n finished for her brother with a smile. Scott pointed at his siter this time. "Yep!" the same smile now displayed on her twins face. They both looked to stiles with raised eyebrows as in asking what do you have to add this now. "you two ganging up on me just isn't fair." The Stilinski boy jokes with them. "And you" he pointed to Y/n "you were just on my side." He exclaimed. "I'm the middleman, I'm on the fence" she says honestly, it was true she was always mediator of the group, it didn't happen often if really at all, but she was the voice of reason, she was always on both the boy's side, ready to hear it all and help fix it.  Both boys nodded, and the three counited their hunt. Y/n looked to Scott who had the same satisfied grin on his face, the twins enjoyed teasing Stiles about his massively painful crush on the girl. "What half of the body are we even looking for?" She asked, hoping there was a plan, "Huh." Stiles paused as if he had just realized something. He laughed slightly, almost nervously. "I didn't even think about that." The brother sister duo shared and nervous glance from behind him. "What if whoever killed the body is still out here?" Y/n questioned. Scott also looking curious for this answer. "Also, something I didn't think about." Stiles admitted with a slight nod. The three began to climb a small slope, stiles going first. The younger McCall's hand digs into the soil underneath her, going up behind him. Scott was panting from behind, struggling to keep up. It wasn't like he was unfit- in fact he was perfectly healthy physically and mentally, but he has had severe asthma since he was an infant. "It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail," Scott wheezed. "I know," Stiles groaned loudly as he pulled himself up getting to the top of the leafy top. He reached down and gently grabbed the girl's wrist, pulling her up almost effortlessly. She sent a smile in thanks his way, before turning around and helping Scott, he gave her a grateful look, letting her help him with the last step. "You, okay?" She asked worriedly, her eyebrows knitting together in concern as he panted sending a quick nod to put her mind at ease. "Yeah," he muttered before speaking louder for stiles to hear, "Maybe the server asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" He took his inhaler out and shook it. He didn't even get a chance to take a puff before Stiles was running forwards, the twins following close behind, less enthusiastically. Suddenly,

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