Episode 7.

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***10,149 Words****

The trio ran through the double doors leading to the inside of the school crouching down and holding the door closed. "Lock it, lock it!" Scott yelled in a panic tone. "Do I look like I have the key?" Stiles asked. "Grab something!" "What?" Y/N asked. "Anything!" Scott yelled. A look came across Stiles' face before he quickly stood up peeking outside the small rectangular window of the door. His eyes found the yellow pair of bolt cutters he had used earlier, but unfortunately, he had dropped just outside the door. The McCall twins started at the boy for a moment before standing up themselves to see what he saw, but when they did, they both knew what was going through the Stilinski boys head. "No." They said together. "Yes." Stiles said as he lightly pushed Scott back. "Stiles, no, don't" Y/N begged as he opened the door quickly and quietly squeezing his way out of the small opening he made. Y/N went to pulled him back, but was stopped by her brother, he may not have been able to stop his friend but he sure as hell was gonna stop her. Stiles closed the door taking a quick look around him before slowly making his way towards the object in mind making sure not to go to fast or make to much noise in case the alpha was closer than they could see. Scott and Y/N looked out the windows of the doors watching his every move and watching the surroundings, there was a feeling in her chest and stomach, she knew something bad was coming but she pushed it aside keeping her focus on the boy outside. When the twins looked past him they both let us a gasp seeing the Alpha on all fours coming into view from behind Stiles' jeep. "Come back, come back!" The McCall's yelled together. Stiles still unaware of the Alpha looked back to see his friends yelling to get his attention. "Stiles!" Y/N yelled she wanted to open the door and grab him herself but her brother had a tight grip on her arm. Stiles looked back towards the parking lot to see some huge demon looking Alpha wolf on all fours and bright red glowing eyes looking straight at him before leaping and darting right for the teenage boy. Stiles froze for only a second before grabbing the blot cutters, turning and taking off back to the double doors, once on the inside the three closed the doors while he put the handles of the cutter on each one of the bar handles on the school doors, not making it impossible to open the door but would hold the wolf off for a few moments whiles they ran. All three teenagers crouched down by the doors yet again, panting in slight panic of what they had just seen. Before tonight they had only caught maybe a glimpse of the thing, but tonight that was the definition of up close and personal. Standing up to look out the windows again the parking lot was empty neither of them could see the Alpha. "Where is it?" Scott asked. "Where'd it go?" Y/N asked. Stiles pulled out a flashlight and shined it through the window to see if the light would help, but they could see nothing. Backing away from the door. "That won't hold, will it?" Scott looked to Stiles. "Probably not." The boy with the buzz cut stated. Looking down the hallway of the school thinking of their next move. Their eyes all shot to one another when a close by howling could be heard, it didn't take long for the three to take off running down the dark hallways of the school in hopes of finding a safe place to hide, but with the creature knowing they were in the building they were basically sitting ducks no matter where they hide.

"The desk." Stiles said as they ran into a dark empty classroom, Scott and Y/N went to the far side to push while Stiles was on the side, closest to the door to pull. The legs of the desk screeched on the floor causing them all to wince at the noise. "Shh! Stop, stop. The doors not gonna keep it out." Stiles informed them. "I know." Y/N said. "It's your boss." Stiles said bluntly. "What?" Scott asked confused. "Deaton, the Alpha?" Y/n replied in a sharp whisper tone as if this is obvious why are you questioning this. "Your boss." Stiles said bluntly yet again. "No." Scott denied. "Yes." His sister declared. "Murdering psycho werewolf." Stiles angry whispered. "That can't be." Scott still didn't believe it. "Oh, come on. He disappears, and that thing shows up 10 seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air?" "That's not convenient timing?" Stiles adds to the McCall girl's theory. "It's not him." He doesn't know how, but Scott knows it's not him, but he can also see how the other two would think that it was convenient timing. "He killed Derek." The Stilinski boy added again. "Well, he was kind of an ass, so I think it was bound to happen eventually." Both boys stared at Y/N, who just shrugged. "No, Derek's not dead, he can't be dead." Scott was having a hard time wrapping his head around everything in the last 10 minutes. "Blood spurted from his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead and were next." "Okay, just... what do we do?" Scott asked. All three breathing heavily not only trying to catch their breaths from the panic seeping into all of them, but also trying to find away out of this without getting ripped to pieces. "We get to my jeep, we get out of here, you seriously think about quitting your job, good?" Stiles finally spoke after a few seconds. The trio walking over to the window flashlight in Stiles' hand trying to find the Alpha, figure out if they could make a break for it. Scott reaches over to open the window. "No, they don't open." The petite girl informed him. "The school's climate-controlled." Stiles finished. "Then we break it." "Which will make a lot of noise, Scott." She responded as if he should already know that. "Then..." the McCall boy trailed off as they looked out the window again still not spotting the Alpha. "Then we run really fast." He finally said. Y/N had looked over to the blue jeep her brows knitting in either confusion or worry probably both. "Really fast." Scott added. "Stiles," Y/N called out getting both boys attention. "What's wrong with the hood of your jeep?" "What do you mean, nothings wrong." He said stepping closer behind her. "It's bent." "Like dented?" Getting closer to the window for a better look. "No, she means bent." Scott said now seeing what his sister had pointed out. "What the hell..." Stiles was cut short by a loud crash from the window beside them and shattering glass, all three ducking away from the window shielding themselves from the rain of glass shards. They looked to the other side of the room to see the object that had been thrown into the building was the battery to the jeep. "That's my battery." Stiles stated the obvious. He went to stand up, Y/N and Scott pulling him back down to the floor. "Don't move." Scott demanded. "We have to move." The boy with the buzz cut said. "He could be right outside." Y/N said frantically. "He is right outside." Stiles confirmed. All three looking back at the battery then back to each other. "Just let me take a look." Scott made slow movements letting himself slightly off the floor to peek out the window. "Anything?" Y/N asked her brother. "No." He looked around the parking lot a few more times making sure he hadn't missed anything. "Move now?" Stiles asked. The older McCall looked away from the window to his best friend and twin. "Move now."

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