Episode 6.

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Y/N and Scott entered the under-ground parking lot both their hands full with bags of groceries. "You know I always have mixed feelings about these trips, I like them because I make sure I also get what I like, but then I hate them because I hate carrying all the bags." Y/N faked whined. Her twin brother laughing at her theatrics. "You also hate under ground parking lots." He added. "Hate them. Their creepy, I'm always afraid that at any turn or car someone is going to jump out, also watch just about any horror movie there tends be at least one murder in an under-ground parking lot, something bad always happens in them." Scott was looking around confused as the where the car was, he could have sworn he parked right by the door. "Damn it. Were on the wrong level." He told her. "Of course, we are." An actual groan coming out. They were on level 3 they parked higher up, reaching level 4, still no sign of the car, Scott took out the keys pushing the lock button on the key fab to hear the beep, that of course came from the level above them, so they had parked on 5. When Scott had put down the bags a bottle milk had fallen out and rolled under a near by vehicle. He cursed under his breath as he went after it. He stopped when the bottle rolled back with claw marks in it. "Y/N." he whispered firmly. His sister hearing the tone in his voice walking over quietly. He placed a hand on her wrist as the sound of low growling came from the other side of the car. The McCall twins started to run towards the other end of the parking garage, both looking behind them seeing a large black animal chasing after them, now running back down to level 3 the werewolf close behind them, Scott and Y/N pushing through the burning in their lungs, they ducked beside an older looking red car, sitting, and hiding quietly, trying to even out their breathing. "Come on." He said pulling his sister telling her to run in front of the cars closer to the wall as he jumped onto of the cars causing their alarms to go off. "Are you insane?" She whispers yelled at her brother. "Trust me and stay close." They made it through the row before turning down to level 2 proceeding to run further away from the car alarms. Scott was trying to lead the alpha to the noise giving the siblings more time to get out of there without being ripped apart. Now ducking beside another car, neither one making a sound, that is until Scott's ringtone started going off. "No. No, stop." He panicked, his sister giving him a death glare. Scott was trying to get the phone out of his pocket fast but that wasn't working. There was a thud on the hood of the vehicle they were using as a barrier, two hands being placed onto Scott's shoulders lifting him and slamming him down on the hood. Y/N letting out a shriek, the twins saw it was just Derek and now both were pissed. "You're dead." Derek stated. "You're a dick." Y/N replied unimpressed as she stood up brushing herself off.

"What the hell was that?" Scott franticly asked as the 3 walked back up, Y/N trialing behind them. "I said I was gonna teach you. I didn't say when." "You scared the crap out of us." The teenage boy exclaimed. Derek looked at Scott then back to Y/N, then back to Scott. "You look scared. Her," pointing to the girl behind them, "if looks could kill, I think I might actually be dead." Scott looked back at his sister wearing a look that read. 'Can you?' "Okay, but I was fast, right?" "Not fast enough." "But the car alarm thing, that was smart, right?" "Till your phone rang." "Yeah, but that was... I mean... would you just stop? Please." Scott yelled. Y/N stopping from a few steps back, Derek stopping to look at the McCall boy, subtlety looking at Y/N to see if she was okay, and still there. "What happened the other night, Stiles' dad getting hurt, that was my fault. I should have been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this." Y/N frown at what Scott had said, it wasn't his fault sheriff Stilinski got hurt, it was the driver of the vehicle that wasn't paying attention. Actually, it was accident, but the thought that he thinks it was it fault pissed her off more, which then caused her to be pissed off at the other boy for blaming her brother for something that she didn't think was in his control, it confused her, was he supposed to just drop everything in his own life to play bodyguard. She decided to stop thinking about it because it just made to angrier. "Look, I am what I am because of birth. You were bitten. Teaching someone who was bitten takes time. I don't even know if I can teach you." "What do I have to do?" "You have to get rid of distractions." Derek told him, taking Scott's phone holding the screen up to Scott's face the screen showed he had a missed call from Allison. "You see this? This is why I caught you. You want me to teach you? Get rid of her." "What just because of her family?" Y/N finally spoke, the tone in her voice told the other two she was pissed. Derek wound up and threw Scott's phone hard against the concrete wall of the parking garage. "Wait, wait, wait... whoa!" Scott yelled. The phone shattered Derek ignoring Y/N and turning back to look at Scott again. "You getting angry? That's your first lesson. You want to learn how to control this, how to shift, do it through anger, by tapping into a primal animal rage, and you can't do that with her around." The man explained. "I can get angry." "Not angry enough! This is the only way that I can teach you. Now, can you stay away from her? At least until after the full moon?" "If that's what it takes." "Do you want to live? Do you want to protect your friends? Yes, or no?" The two males continued to yell at each other. There was to much testosterone the McCall girl thought. "Yes. If you can teach me, I can stay away from her." Scott replied.

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