Episode 11.

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The rain was heavy as Allison drove the dark roads of beacon hills, the windshield wipers barely able to keep up with the down pour, her mind kept going back to what her aunt had not only showed her, but the things she told her, it was unbelievable, even after seeing it for herself she could fully wrap her mind around it.

Kate turned up the voltage for the wires that were attached to Derek's side, the man letting out screams of pain. "What are you doing to him? Is that gonna kill him?" Allison asked concern written on her features and laced in her tone of voice. "Oh, come on, kiddo. Don't get all ethical on me now." Derek's screams echo the room once again as Kate turns it on sending another bout of electric shocks through out his body. "What is he?" She asks her aunt. Kate shrugs like it's no big deal. "Shape-shifter. Lycian. Werewolf." She chuckles at the fake theatrics in her tone on the word 'werewolf'. "To me, he's just another dumb animal." She turns up the voltage again, more screams come from the man, but there weaker this time, he's losing his fight, getting weaker and weaker with each shock, if he was human, he would have been dead a long time ago.

The rain continues, still no sign of easing up, she's distracted, her mind not fully where it should be. The road. She probably shouldn't be behind the wheel right now, but her though process is all over the place and she can only think about what had just occurred less then an hour ago.

"Come here." Kate tells her niece. Allison takes a few slow steps towards her aunt and Derek. "See these right here?" The older Argent woman asks as she opens the mouth of an exhausted wolfed out Derek to show his teeth. "These are canines, also known as fangs. Made for tearing and rending of flesh. Not something you'd find on those cute little leaf eating herbivores, is it?" Allison's brows knit in utter disbelief at her aunt and shakes her head. "This is a joke to you?" Kate ignores the small hint of disgust in her niece's tone. "Sweetheart, there are werewolves running around in the world. Everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane?" Sane is definitely not in the vocabulary to describe this woman. "So, it was him at the high school and all the other animal attacks?" Kate turns out the bright work lamp and guides Allison towards the door. "There's actually three of them. Another younger one like him," Kate nodded her head back towards Derek. "Called the beta, and then there's the alpha. Alphas the pack leader. Bigger, stronger, nastier. Those are the real ugly mother..."

The sound and lights of police sirens pull her back to reality. "Oh, god, not now." She whispers to herself, on the edge of tears, there's to much, to many emotions, to many thoughts, questions, she's been doing an okay job at keeping the tears and all other emotions under the surface, but this might be the thing to tip her over the edge.

Allison stands off to the side, her back against the cool metal wall, arms crossed as Kate slides the door closed. "When we're they gonna tell me?" Allison asked talking about her parents. Kate clicked her tongue. "They still haven't decided if they're gonna tell you. "Why?" Kate let's out a sigh. "Let's just say if you react badly when you find out... not good." She tells her as she walks away. "What to do you, 'not good'?" Allison asks as she follows close behind her aunt. "They don't think that you can handle it. They look at you and they see this frightened little girl who's gonna run crying in a corner when she finds out the truth. Me? What do I see? Natural talent." It's not clear of Kate is saying this because it's true or to stir the pot of unwanted family drama. "Allison, you said you wanted to feel more powerful, right?" She asked getting a slight nod in return from the teenager. "Now's your chance."
She pulled over to the side of the road, the police cruiser stops behind her, the officer stepping out of the car.
"What am I supposed to do now?" She asks generally curious. "Go to school, do your homework. Go to the formal on Friday night. Be a normal teenage girl who doesn't know anything." Kate makes it seem like it's just so simple, like a switch that can be turned on and off. "Trust me to get everything ready for the next part." She adds. "What's the next part?" Kate stops causing Allison to do that same. And excited look on her face. "You're gonna help me catch the second beta." She states matter-of-fact, walking away again leaving the young girl still stopped behind her with a look of fear covering her face.
The officer walks up to her window and taps on the glass with the end of his flashlight, rolling down her window the flashlight shinning in her eyes sends a flash to a wolfed-out Derek chained up and being electrocuted by her aunt. He leaned to window level to get a look at the person behind the wheel. "Allison?" Sheriff Stilinski questioned when seeing the sadness behind her eyes and the single tear slowly rolling down her cheek. "You all, right?"

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