Episode 4.

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'A young blonde, red eyes, howling. An arsenal full of guns and all kinds of different bullets. in the back of the women's car, blood, Derek. Chris Argent. "Get in." Chris demanded. "Not even, 'Hello, nice to see you?'" The mystery women replied. "All I've got at the moment is 'please put the assault rifle away before someone notices.'" The scoffs. "That's the brother I love. Chris, there were two of them." "The alpha?" "I don't know. But one of them tried to kill me." Scott, wait what was Scott doing there? "One of them is gonna lead us to the other. He can't do that if he's dead." "Well, I can't help kill either of them if one of them kills me first." "How long will it take?" Chris asked. "I'd give him 48 hours. If that."

Y/N spent the time they had before Stiles came to pick her and Scott up to yell at him about why he was out in the middle of the night within shooting range of G.I Barbie. The ride to school was spent filling the owner of the blue jeep in on both ends of what the siblings saw. Most of what Y/N was seeing were still flashes they were barely full 'visions', again just snippets some just showed more then others. The trio was sitting in history class Scott and Y/N sitting beside each other in their desk's stiles behind Scott. The teacher was going desk to desk handing out the graded test they had taken before the weekend. "If Derek isn't the alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" Stiles asked leaning over his desk to get closer to the twins. "I don't know." "Did the alpha kill the bus driver?" Y/N asked this time. "I don't know." Scott replied the same. Stiles sat back in his desk and sighed, before leaning up again to ask another question. "Does Allison's dad know about the-." He was cut off by Scott's raising his voice and turning to face his friend. "I don't know!" The rest of the class glancing at the three of them. The teacher had placed the marked test on each of their desks now. Y/N showed Stiles the A+ and Stiles showed her the A on his both smiling proudly at each other, the two looked over at Scott and saw that he had gotten a D-. Stiles leaned over his desk again. "Dude, you need to study more." Stiles tells his best friend. Y/N gave him a pointed look. "Dude, you need to shut up." "Sorry, that was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up." Y/N nodding to her brother in agreement to their friend. "Do you want help studying?" She asked. Her brother sighs. "No. I'm studying with Allison after school today." "That's my boy." Stiles said attempting to sound mischievous. "We're just studying." "Uh-uh. No, you're not." "He's not?" Y/N asked at the same time her brother asked, "I'm not?" "Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de-balled." "Okay. Just stop with the questions, man." The boy in front of him said simply. "Done. No more questions. No more talk about the alpha or Derek. Especially Derek, who still scares me." Letting out a giggle, he smiled at her, Scott looking between them. "Wait." Both his sister and best friend looking at him. "You two study together and you're studying together tonight," he pauses before looking behind him at his friend, "There's a difference there scotty, were friend. You and Alison are more than friends" Y/n tells her brother. "Exactly!" Stiles exclaims. Scott gives a 'fair enough' look.

Derek Hale walked through the halls of the high school in search of Scott. He was wounded, he was pale and sweaty and having a hard time staying focused, a few teens bumped into him on their way out of classes. He looked up to see a boy in a reddish brown buttoned up shirt standing at his locker. "Where's Scott McCall?" Derek asked sounding out of breath.

Jackson Whitmore closed his locker door as he moved to face the injured man. "Why should I tell you?" "Because I asked you politely. And I only do that once." That dark haired man stated. "Hmm. Okay, tough guy. How about I help you find him if you tell me what you're selling him? What is it? Is it Dianabol? Hmm? HGH?" The teen asked getting slightly in the other mans face. Derek seemed confused but he was also losing patients with the boy. "Steroids?" Derek had asked. "No, Girl Scout cookies. What the hell do you think I'm talking about? By the way, whatever it is you're selling, I'd probably stop sampling the merchandise. You look wrecked." He was being a smartass and Derek was in no mood to deal with the jerk. Blood was now running down his hand from the bullet wound in his arm that was slowly killing him, a drop of his blood fell to the floor, he closed his fist looking back up at Jackson. "I'll find him myself." He said quietly as he started to walk away, but the jock wasn't done. "No, we're not done here." He grabbed on the shoulder of the dying Hale, but Derek had found some strength to throw the lacrosse player up against his locker his hand on the back of the boys' neck pushing his face into the locker, his claws digging into Jackson's neck. He didn't say anything, and he walked away from him a moment later going back to find Scott. Derek had to lean against he walls to regain himself, he was sweating more and feeling more and more weak by the minute. His hearing was so sensitive he couldn't block anything out he heard everything, he heard chalk writing on chalkboards, rock music playing from someone's iPod, and man talking on the phone about lacrosse practice, clicking from the combination locks, people texting, catching a conversation between a couple girls he stopped when he caught the sound of Scott's name and the familiar coconut mint perfume from the other McCall. Y/N, Lydia and Allison were in the halls after their last class talking about Allison's study date with Scott.

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