Episode 12

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***10,515 Words*****

Allison can't believe what she is seeing. She can't, she's still, shocked isn't a strong enough word. Scott looks to Chris, who looks angry but satisfied, he has the look of smug victory. He looks to Allison and the look on her face, breaks his heart, right here, he really knows that nothing will be the same, and that he has probably just lost her forever. "Move!" Chris yells and honks the car horn, it's time to take care of this problem, but before anyone can make a move, Scott jumps up onto the hood of the bus and on the ground on the other side and makes a run for it. Now able to move, barely, Allison sits down and hopes to try and process this new information.

Out on the field, Lydia and Y/N are still unconscious and both losing a lot of blood. Peter is now standing trying to get Stiles to leave with him , but He is still on the ground, still not taking his eyes off of the ones on the ground. "No, I'm... I'm not just letting you leave them here." Peter is wiping the blood away from his chin. "You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me." He still makes no move to stand. "Just kill me. Look, I don't care anymore." He tells the man, but all Peter does is walk over, out his hand under the boys chin and guides him into a standing position. His breathing is heavy, he containing it as well as possible, but he's terrified, he's always terrified, but he never lets anyone in on that part, but right now that façade is falling and its falling fast. "Call your friend. Tell Jackson where they are. That's all you get." Stiles shakily pulls out his phone from the front pocket of his pants, to dial the number.

The tires squeal as Chris backs up his SUV, allowing Allison to slowly make her way out of the bus in shock. Her whole body feels so heavy she can't stand, Chris quickly steps out of the car and rushes to his daughters side, just in time to catch her as she collapses from the weight of everything. Her breathing is fast and shallow. "It's all right." He tells her." "No." She shakes her head, tears falling. "You're okay. You're okay, baby." He pulls her closer to him and he helps her into the car.

Scott is running through the woods, he takes his suit jacket off and drops it to the forest floor, not slowing down, not looking over his shoulder he just runs. He comes to a clearing and falls to the cold leafed ground, his head in his hands, the anger, sadness, resentment, confusion, every emotion he could ever feel right here all at once, he lifts his head up and screams as loud as he can, he hits the ground and continues to scream it's too overwhelming, it's too much, he doesn't know what to do, or what might happen next, he doesn't know how to fix any of it or if there is even anything he can do, but right now all he can do is scream and cry.

The pain is unbearable, and she's cold, she is so cold she can't stop her body from shaking, he's gone, she knows that even before she opens her eyes, which that in itself is a challenge, she strains herself to focus, she hears nothing, when she finally opens her eyes, she struggles to look around, her body is numb, but she knows she has to fight it, and she knows she has to even more when she sees Lydia next to her unconscious, blood covers her, she looks and watches for movement of any sign she's still breathing, it's a relief when she see the rise and fall of her friends chest but she panics when she notices it's faint, Y/N makes an effort to move, a painful groan falls past her lips. She lays still for a minute before she tries again, the pain is none she has ever felt before, she wants to stop, she's tired, but she knows no one is coming which means if she doesn't try to at least do something, their both dead. She slowly and agonizingly pushes herself into a stand, she almost collapses, she's weak and by the large gash and the state of her dress which was once a baby pink color is now almost completely red she's going to say she's lost a lot of blood, the effort and energy all that took makes her dizzy and she's not sure about her next move, one movement could send her back to the ground, she tries to take a deep breath, it hurts like hell, she takes a small tester step and wobbles off balance, but some how she manages to catch herself.

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