Episode 9.

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Mr. Harris was standing in a dark classroom cleaning off the chalk board for the night, grabbing his jacket off the back of his desk chair once he was done , putting his laptop in its carry case, he glanced over to see a crumbled up sheet of paper laying on his desk, picking it up and unfolding its creases he saw eleven names, all with the last name 'Harris' only ten of the names had a red 'x' at the end, but that wasn't what worried him the most, what worried him the most was the eleventh name, the name at the bottom of the list read. 'Adrian R Harris'. His own. He put the list in his jacket pocket ready to leave, but a low growl stopped him. The growling was a few desks back and Harris kept his back to it. "Please don't kill me." Harris begged. "Do you know who wrote that list?" Its voice sounded pure demonic. "Laura. Laura Hale." Harris was trying to keep calm, but his voice was shaky and his heart was beating so fast he swore it was going to jump out of his chest. "Do you know why she was looking for you? I know why. Turn around, Adrian." He shook his head, refusing to turn around, its voice alone frightened him, he couldn't imagine looking at the creature. "Turn around and I'll show you." He shook his head fast, his hands on his desk keeping him standing. "Turn around!" "No. Please." "Look at me. Look at what you've done!" The teacher was trying hard to keep himself together, but he was finding it painfully hard. A chair came flying hitting the chalk board in front of him. "Get down!"" Derek yelled running into the room and pulling Harris to the ground just in time to not be struck by the desk that was just thrown his way, hitting the chalk board again, both men looking up to see that the Alpha had gone. Tires screech to a halt and sirens blare through the building, their head lights blinding. "This is the police." A mans voice sounded through a megaphone. "You're surrounded. No one leaves the building." Derek wasn't to fond of that idea and he took off running leaving the building.

Tires screech as two police cars speed around a tight corner following behind Derek who is running through the streets of beacon hills the sirens are still going and the tires screech again with another sharp turn of the wheel. "Repeat, suspect is on foot. We're in pursuit, heading northwest." Noah Stilinski speaks through his police radio. Derek continues to run, coming to an opening, another car pulls up and blocks him, stopping fast the man slips and slides on the ground, but gets up quickly and dodges them. "He's on foot. Just ran into the iron works." Chris said into his phone, he was in the vehicle that just pulled up and stopped Derek, but unfortunately, he was still able to run off. "Wait, wait. Did you say on foot?" Kate Argent asked quickly before her brother could Hang-up. "Yeah, into the iron works."

"Running?" She asked to clarify again. "Yes, running!" Chris yelled and ended the call. "If he's on foot, then who the hell is driving his car?" She asked herself, she had been following Derek's Camaro for a while now and up until now she thought she had him. She hit the gas and gained speed coming up the ass end of the car she had been following. Inside the Camaro Scott was behind the wheel, Stiles in the passenger seat and Y/N in the back middle seat turning between watching the car behind them and back to the road. Stiles turned looking out the back window to see that Kate was a lot closer and still getting closer. "Faster?" Scott asked not taking his eyes off the road. "Much faster." "A lot faster." Both Stiles and Y/N replied. Scott switched gears and floored it, hearing the engine rev.

The police cars were parked outside the iron works building all officers where now continuing their search on foot. "Get the dogs!" An officer yelled. Two K-9s started barking and took off into the building, both close behind Derek, the Hale turned around his bight's blue werewolf eyes glowed and he started to growl at the animals. The dogs whimpering and scared, ran out of the building and back to the officers. "What the hell?" Stilinski asked.

Kate was still gaining speed behind Derek's car, a look of determination on her face curious to catch the person or persons helping Derek. All three teens' nerves sky rocketing. "Hey, Scott, I'm not sure you're fully understanding the concept of the car chase here." His sister voice sounded from the back seat staring out the window seeing the vehicle behind them catching up fast. "If I go faster, I'll kill us." He yelled matter-of-fact. "Well, if you don't go faster, they're gonna kill us!" Stiles yelled back. Scott switched gears again and the engine revs. Tires screech and Kate turns off leaving them alone on the road. "They're gone." Stiles informs Scott with a surprised tone. The Stilinski boy takes out a walkie-talkie switching it on. "All units, suspect is on foot heading into the iron works." Sheriffs' voice was heard. Stiles, Scott, and Y/N glance at each other. "Okay, well we know where we're going." The girl sitting in the back said.

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