Ch 6

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Authors Note: Sorry to the people who were actually reading this! I've had bad writers block! Get your friends to read(: The more readers, the faster and more I'll update(:

He watched me and sat next to me. "I like you. You're not like the other girls at the school that swoon over me and have a major crush on me. They're all clingy and they literally fangirl over me right infront of me. I think that's the word you girls use these days." He chuckled. I smiled. Little does he know I'm fangirling over him right this second. "Yeah, that is the word." I giggled and smiled. I looked out at the lake and smiled. I'm glad he brought me here, I may even come here myself now. It's really quiet. It's nice to actually be somewhere where it's quiet. Out of the corner of my eye I see him staring at me and smiling. What do I do?! I smiled over at him. "Nice view ?" I giggled. He nodded and smiled. "Of course." I blushed. Wow. I'm in love. Wait. Did I just say I was in love? It's my biggest fear. Falling in love. I just..I don't know. I've never been about boys. I always thought they were icky.

I smiled and he stood up. " mom just texted me. I gotta get home. I have football practice tonight. I uhm..give me your number and I'll text you later." I gave him my number and we both got into his car. A couple minutes later we pulled up at my house. I grabbed my bag and my books and waved. "Thank you..I'll talk to you later." He smiled. "My pleasure." I blushed and walked inside. I got startled and jumped as I saw my mom and dad watching out the window. "Who's the boy? Boyfriend that you didn't tell me about?" My mom smiled and my dad just glared at me. I shook my head. "We're just friends.." Wait...are we? I smiled reassuringly. My dad kept glaring. "No boys Cassie. None. I'll shoot em myself." My dad walked back into the kitchen. I sighed and headed up to my room. I unpacked and looked at my to-do list. Homework, done. Chores, did them this morning. Wow. This is the first time in forever that I have nothing to do. My phone vibrated. I got a text from a random number. "Listen you little slut. Stay away from him. He's mine." I saw an attatched picture to the text..I opened it and tears brimmed in my eyes. 'Cassie Mendes has STD's and herpes.' It was a picture of my head on a nude body. I started to cry. I never did anything to deserve this. I don't think so anyway. I picked up my phone to call Dani. I dialed the numer and she picked up. "Hey! You're crying. Why are you crying?" Wow she always knew when I was upset. "Please..I know you're hanging with Keaton right now but it's important..he can come too." She told me she was already on her way and I hung up. I turned my phone off and put it on my desk. About 10 minutes later they both walked into my room. "You're dad let us in. Hey..we're here..what's wrong?" She hugged me tightly. I showed her the message and started to cry again. Keaton came over and hugged me tightly. "It'll be okay, Cassie Wassie. Alright? I'll kick this persons butt if I have to." I smiled slightly at the nickname he had gave me when we were only 6. I nodded slightly and collapsed on my bed. "You know there lies, Cass..." I sighed and shrugged. "But he doesn't. He'll believe them!" I opened my Facebook.I looked through the newest feed. It was all about me. All of it. Not even anything good. I sniffled and showed it to Dani and Keaton. Dani hugged me and sighed. "Listen, it'll be okay. We'll find out who this person is..I promise." I saw new messages pop up. 'Cassie's using Matthew' 'I saw that little skank with him today. She's trying to make him another baby daddy.' 'Watch out Matt, she's contagious of the whore-itous.' I couldn't look at anymore. I shut my laptop screen and slid it under my bed. I started to cry into my hands and Keaton comforted me. He held me and let me cry into his chest. Dani scrolled through the page and looked at everything. "They're saying pretty nasty stuff, Cass. Lies and rumors. That's all it is. They're lying. None of this is true." She sighed and looked down. "We'll find the person who texted you, who started it. They have their name under 'anonymous'. No matter what we have to do . We'll find them."

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