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Author's Note: Wow guys I suck at updating. I'm so sorry. There's not that many reads and I want more people to read it! Please get people to read!

~Matt's P.O.V.~

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I know the smell of bacon. We must've fell asleep..weird. I don't even remember falling asleep. I opened my eyes and saw Cassie nestled into my chest with her arms around my waist. I noticed my arms around her. I smiled softly, then I frowned. I know she doesn't like me. I'm not the type of guy she'd like. I sighed and got up untangling our legs. Reality, Matt. It's real life. Get over it. I walked slowly to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I was finished, I walked downstairs and saw Dani. I smiled wide. "Hey. Smells good." I sat in one of the stools in front of the bar looking into the kitchen. She smiled. "Cassie up?" I shook my head. "Uh..hey Dani? What would you do, I-I mean, if you were a impress a girl? O-Or even ask her out? How do you even know if a girl likes you?" I sighed hoping she wouldn't ask too many questions. She smiled and shrugged. "First, you gotta watch her actions. You can usually tell by the way she acts around you.." Well, I'm outta luck. She acts more like we're friends. That's all we'll ever be. "She'll usually send you hints, she'll blush alot, she'll laugh at your jokes, she'll give you her undivided attention at any time you want or need it." She smiled and continued to cook. "What would I do though? To ask her out? Or to impress her?" I looked at her pleadingly. "Well, usually when a girl likes you, you don't have to impress her. But..if you want to, roses. Roses and chocolate are a way to a girls' heart. Plus, anything she likes. Dogs, cats, reading, drawing, anything she enjoys. Oh! And a giant teddy bear! Girls love giant teddy bears." She smiled and put the food on 3 plates. "I just..I don't think she likes me..honestly I don't." I sighed and looked down. She looked over at me. "Never be too sure unless she says so."

~Cassie's P.O.V.~

I slowly got up from the floor and stretched. I sniffed. Mmmm. Bacon. I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and threw my hair up in a messy bun. I ran downstairs and sat next to Matt. I elbowed him gently. "Morning." I smiled saying cheerfully. He smiled over at me. "Morning Sleepy Head." I smiled as Dani put our plates infront of us, and we all started to eat. This was going to be a long yet awesome weeked.


I jerked up pulling my sleep mask off. I groaned and slammed my hand down on the Snooze Button. Ugh. Tuesday morning. Back to school. Great. But I was looking forward to seeing Matt. This weekend had been awesome. Honestly, the best weekend I've ever had. I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine. I heard the doorbell and I went downstairs and opened the door. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. A 6ft Teddy Bear with a bouquet of roses in one hand and bag in the other was standing in my front porch. Wow. Dani. Awe. My bestfriend is the best. I smiled and dragged the bear in even though it was like a whole foot taller than me. I took the bag and sat down. I opened it and it had a Hershey bar in it, ooh king size. She knows me so well. I also pulled out a book. The Change. Wow. A Giant Teddy Bear, chocolate, and a book. She knows me too well. I pulled out a tag. Hope you enjoy your items just like I enjoy my time with you. You're beautiful. Love, your secret admirer. I smiled. She thinks she so slick. I put the book in my bag and headed out the door and saw Dani parked outside. She smiled. "Hey, thanks for the stuff." I smiled. "Uhm..what stuff?" Like she hadden't known. "Uhm, the bear, chocolate, the book, the flowers?" I looked at her. "Cass...that wasn't me." I knew she was serious. "B-But..who would it be from?" She had this little grin on her face like she knew something I didn't. I sighed and watched out the window. We pulled up at school and we both got out. "I'll catch ya later Mendes." She smiled and ran to Keaton. I smiled and waved. 20 minutes before the bell rings. Might as well make the most of it. I sat on a bench and started to read the book. A shadow was covering my light. I looked up and saw Karah. Great. I shut my book. "Leave me alone." I tried getting up. She shoved me back down harshly, which really hurt. "How bout you leave my boyfriend alone. Matt doesn't want you, hun. We started going back out yesterday. He asked me to be his girlfriend again because he said you were harassing him." She smirked. She didn't seem to be lying. I teared up. "Great. Keep your boyfriend, Karah. I don't want him." That hurt even more than my shoulder did when she shoved me down. I pushed pass her and her cheerleader friends. I heard them snickering behind me and I started to fast jog into the school crying. Matt came up to me. "Oh my god...Cassie..what's wrong love?" I glared at him. He used me. Or maybe he just wanted to flirt and then say it was all just a friendly gesture. "Get out of my way. Don't ever talk to me again. See? That's the thing, Matt. Popular people use nerds to get what they want. And guess what? You got it. You got your perfect snobby girlfriend back. I'll stop harassing you now." I pushed pass him and ran into the bathroom.

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