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"Cassie! Hello? Earth to Cassie!." I swatted her hand out of my face. Gosh she can be annoying sometimes. "Dani leave me alone. " I said seriously. Why's she always the one that just has to snap me out of my day dreaming . Like can't she ever just leave me alone for once? "Dreaming about Mr. Gray again? Isn't he just dreamy?" She said mockingly and laughed slightly. I punched her shoulder lightly. "I wouldn't talk. I always catch you dreaming about Keaton." I glared at her. "Well the difference is that I'm dating him and Matt doesn't even know you exist." I bit my lip a little hurt by what she had just said. I stood up quickly and went to one of the computers since it was 'Study Hall'. She looked at me confused as if she didn't know what just came out of her mouth. I sat down and started researching my homework topic. Might as well get a head start. Hopefully I can just relax when I get home. I'm always on the go, no matter what . There's always a handful of things I have to do when I get home. Usually, right after I finish doing my last thing for the night, it's usually at the time to where I don't even have the energy to watch a movie and eat a couple cookies. I usually just wanna go to sleep. Maybe I should just start my chores in the morning. Wake up extra early and start getting stuff done then, so I have time after school to do whatever I want along with the couple daily errands my parents have me do . But hey, they pay for my car. So..this is my way of paying them back I guess. I started jotting down some of my research and yawned slightly .The bell rung and everybody jumped out of their seats and rushed for the hallway. Lunch time is like rush hour in high school. Everybody just wants to get to the cafeteria and eat before everyone else does. Their food is pretty decent though. It's no Carrabas but it'll do. I usually eat like peanut butter and jelly's at home even if my mom is making a big dinner, or something fancy like steak or lobster . I guess you can say , I'm a little laid-back? I mean sure. I can be a huge girly-girl but when it comes to certain things I'm pretty laid-back . 

    One thing I have to say , is that I stress alot . I'm always stressing . Especially around people. If I don't stress around you, I don't like you. Stressing just comes naturally to me. I'm always about the 'what if's and the 'but's'. I got out of my seat slowly , not rushing one bit. Of course Danielle had already left . I was there in the room by myself. Even the teacher had left. I slowly made my way out of the classroom. I stepped into the hall and I got knocked down along with my books. "Watch i-" I paused as soon as I came face to face with him. Him. It was him. 

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