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~ 2 Weeks later ~

The rumors haven't stopped. I'm getting bullied. Verbally and physically. It sucks. I haven't seen Matt since that day. The bell rings and I get up. Time to go home. I get up quickly and rush out. A guy, one of Matt's friends, trips me. He smirks. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Want me to pick up those STD's for you? They kinda fell. I better not touch them, I don't wanna end up like you." He smirked and rolled his eyes. Keaton came up to him and grabbed him by his collar. Keaton was his friend too, but what he did was uncalled for. All the football guys are friends. He shoved him up against the lockers and the guy fell. "Ever touch nor say anything to her again, I'll hurt you 10 times worse, Brandon. I promise you that." He grabbed my books and we walked out together. "Thanks for that.." I sighed. He shrugged. "I'm sick of seeing these people hurt you." He sighed. Dani had stayed home today to do research on everything. Keaton helped me into his truck and he drove me over to Dani's. He left and dropped me off since he had practice. I walked up to her room and set my stuff down. "Anything?" She smiled and opened up her laptop. "All I found was more pictures and comments and all that. These losers have nothing better to do." She sighed. I looked at her and fell onto her bed. "I'm so sick of this Dani, I really am. Karah keeps shooting me dirty looks and calling me names." I sighed. Karah was Matt's ex girlfriend. She's a cheerleader. Not one of the peppy ones, one the snobby ones. I swear she's been with ninety-six percent of the guys in the school. She's never liked me, and I've never liked her. So, that's how it'll always be. "Well, forget her. She's just jealous, Cass." I sighed. "Jealous...of me. I doubt it. She's like perfect, and I'm so not." I looked at the lap top screen examening all the remarks and comments. My eyes filled with tears but I sucked them back in. I did enough crying today already. Dani scrolled through more hoping to find information, it was hopeless though. No one would fess up to this. Yes, they do whatever in school but nobody would admit to doing this. This was just out of control. No body deserves this. I've never done anything to anyone and this is what I get. I mean, my first option would be Karah, but that's too obvious. Way too obvious. Dani tapped me repeatedly. "I think I found something!" I sat up immediately. "Apparently, this person goes to our school, our grade, female. She has relations to Matt in some way. Friends with Karah and all the cheerleaders. All I found so far.." I smiled and hugged her. It didn't give me much, but it gave me enough. "Wanna stay over? Weekend time and I have no plans. Keaton's going away this weeked. Four day weekend. Nothing to do. Girl time?" She smiled wide like as if she was a three year old looking at a bowl of candy. "I'll ask my mom. Sounds fun though." I dialed my moms number. Ring..Ring....Ring...Ring..Ring.. "Hello?" I asked as I heard the dial tone stop. "Hey sweetie, what's up?" I smiled and explained the whole thing to my mom that Dani had told me. "Yeah, no problem, 4 days worth of clothes, got it. I'll be over in 20." I smiled. "Thanks mom. Love you." I hung up and looked over at Dani. "She'll be over soon with my stuff." She squealed. "Yay!" Wow. She's so childish, but I love her to death. I got up and searched for her stash of candy. I found it after like 5 minutes of looking, and I grabbed a little pack of Sour Patch Kids. I started to eat them and sat on the bean bag in the corner. "I'm so tired." I groaned. "Me too." She said as she scrolled more. My phone vibrated. Him. I smiled and opened the message. Hey, sorry I never messaged you, I was out of town visiting family, my grandpa died and yeah. I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise. How bout this weekend?" I smiled and my thumbs started to go weak as I typed back. "Do your parents mind if Matt comes over? Maybe stays the night?" I looked at her biting my lip nervously. She shrugged. "My parents won't be home all weekend, so yeah, tell him he can." She smiled, I saw it in her eyes that she was happy for me. "You need it kiddo, after all this, you deserve happiness." She smiled. I texted back. Bring a 4 day weekend worth of stuff, you're staying at Dani's with me. If you want, that is. If not, I understand. I pressed 'send' and turned it off. I waited patiently but so nervously for him to text back. My phone vibrated. On my wayyyyyyy. Girls weekend here I come! I laughed silently to myself. I never thought in a million, bajillion years that he'd even know my name. Okay(: . I sent the message and literally like died in my head. Wow. So this is what feelings feel like. Great. Will I always have them? I hope not. I heard they suck.

Dani looked over at me and waved. "Helloooooo? Anyone home?" Her and I giggled. "Sorry, I was in Wonderland for a few minutes." I laughed and got up sitting next to her on the bed. She put on music and I sat there humming the melody. I looked over at her. I smiled softly. How did I ever get so lucky to have her as my bestfriend? I honestly have no clue. But, I'm lucky I have her.

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