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I poufed into Julie's room. "Hey Jules, What's going on ?" I ask and sit next to her. 

"It's Luke. He's so frustrated he can't talk to his mom." she answers as I rub her back. I pull her into me and we hug. "I have to go pick some stuff for dinner. You want anything?" I ask getting up. "Cookies?" and she perks up and I laugh. "My weird sister..." I head down to the garage and call out for the guys. "Why are you screaming?" says Luke who poufs in with his ears covered. 

"Julie and I have noticed you've been down and I decided to try and help you." I put a piece of paper and pen in front of him. "Write her a note, and I'll deliver it to her." I smile warmly. "I know we're not exactly close but you're still important to my sister and that makes you family," I look up and see Reg and Alex too. "Even us?" says Alex with his arms out for a hug.

"Why not?" I shrug and we hug. I watch Luke scribble it all down and hand it to me. "Thank you..."

"For what?" he asks looking confused.

"For trusting me," I head out to Luke's home and right before I knock on the door he poufs next to me. "Geez do you have to keep doing that!"



"I'm kinda nervous," he says looking uneasy.

"Luke Julie told me when she came with that song about your mom. Let me help." I smile as I ring the doorbell. "Hello can I help you?" asks a elderly looking man.

"Hi I'm Sara. I believe you had a son named Luke?"

"Yes that's right,"

"Well I found something that I believe belongs to you,"

"Oh well please come in," 

"Thank you," I smile. An elderly looking woman enters the room and hugs her husband. 

"Did I hear the door?" she asks and she smiles at me. 

"Yes this is Sara and she lives in the house where Luke and the band rehearsed."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Sara. My! That's a beautiful necklace,"

"Thank you, it's my mom's." I smile while holding it.

"Sorry but did you say you lived in the house where the band rehearsed?" she asked again.

"Yes my little sister Julie came by a few weeks ago. I found this note in our garage and it's addressed to a girl named Emily. I didn't open it don't worry." I smile and hand her the letter. She starts tearing up and so does Luke's dad and eventually I'm in tears. "Thank you," she squeaks and holds my hand. "Thank you both. You have no idea what this means to you. If only Luke was lucky enough to meet you." I just smile and Emily lets me out. "Please you and Julie should join us for some tea tomorrow," she says smiling. 

"Of course," I smile and start my walk. Luke appears in front of me. "Do that again and I break you," I say pointing at him. He puts up his hands in surrender and starts walking with me. 

"Thank you, sorry about what my mom said," he say awkwardly laughing.

"Don't worry about it, she was just really happy." I say. "Luke," He looks and me and stops in front of me. "Don't hurt her," I whisper and I continue walking. He poufs in front of me again. "What's with you and poufing?!" I say stumbling back.

"Sorry but I just want you to know that I would never want to hurt you or Julie or your family."

"Good to know." I say nodding at him. "Friends?" I say sticking my hand out. He smiles at me and looks at my hand and his hovers above mine. "Hey, you think if we meet while I was still alive we could have been friends? Or even dated?"

"Whoa there tiger. Friends? Maybe, dating? I doubt," I smile and we continue on to the house. "Papi I'm home!" I shout at put my keys into the bowl.  I expect to find dinner ready or at least starting to cook but I find my entire family waiting for me in the kitchen. "Why are you all staring at me?" Julie and Carlos start giggling. "What's going on?" 

"Come with me," says Julie as she pulls me into mom's studio. 

"Did Reggie overflow the tub again? I knew I shouldn't have introduced him to bath bombs,"

"That was you! Not important right now," We walk in and I find this amazing painting behind the piano. "Is that?" I say pointing towards it. "Us?" The first and last family portrait we ever got done together. "Papi had a hard time getting all of us together and to sit still. Mom had just finished giving Carlos his bath."

"One of dad's friends painted it and brought it while you were out." 

"I love you you know that right." I say wiping away her tears. She nods her head and hugs me tight. "Heyyyy-Oh." We turn around and look at the guys who've just appeared. "Sorry, were you guys crying?" asks Luke backing away slowly. "Why are you backing away?"

"Well Luke believes that the only thing scarier than one girl crying is two," answers Reggie and gets an elbow nudge. Jules and I exchange evil smirks. Jules starts bawling her eyes and and so do I. "Come on guys, please stop crying." says Luke not sure how to get us to stop. We do eventually and roll on the floor in tears. "Do you smell that?" says Jules sitting up. I nod and take a wiff. "Tacos!" we say together and head into the house. 

"Sara, Julie. Tia made tacos mijas, sit and enjoy."

"Tia I love you soo much," I say digging into one. "Please teach me your ways Oh Wise One."

"Come with me to my Pilates and then we'll talk ok," she says with her hands on my cheeks. "Yeaa, I'm good." I love my tia but Pilates is a huge no no for me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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