à votre santé

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I was home now for about 4 days still waiting for Konstantin to show up or call. He came that morning and I was actually happy to see him because being useless and lonely at the same time is quite intolerable.
He told me that The Twelve thinks I'm ready to be an independent assassin and I can do my jobs alone from now on. These news got me a little sad but excited at the same time. I loved spending time with Villanelle but not the working part mainly. We both were acting stubborn all the time and this made us a slightly bad assassin duo especially when she would want to be in control of everything. Konstantin gave me a postcard again, it was from Brussels. I was happy that I don't have to go far away from home because traveling makes the work way more exhausting.
I had to leave the next day so I packed up just a few things in a bag and went to sleep early so I could be reposeful the next morning.
I arrived at 11 am and the job was done by 6 pm. It wasn't hard to plan the kill, especially because I've always been a creative person. Turned out that this kind of creativity appeared in me too. The target was an alcoholic, definitely sexist and slightly pedophile politician in his late forties. What other than a gigantic luxurious bar would be his natural habitat? I supposed. A less known fact about him is that his heart wasn't working very well from the daily drinking and the incredibly unhealthy lifestyle, in fact he had several heart problems and has also faced a few heart attacks.
These informations were given by The Twelve, clearly advising me to use his own illness as a cause of death. Poisoning was a quite effective way to kill the gentleman and also I wanted to go with something more exciting and clever than shooting him in the head. I wanted not just to impress The Twelve and Villanelle but also experiment a little with my knowledge in toxicity.
Oleander is a well known subtropical plant what people might not know is that it's poisonous. It contains cardiac glycosides which cause heart attack and death. I've always loved plants and so this piece of information was sitting in my brain, basically waiting to be used in this case.
-Villanelle would absolutely adore this- I thought to myself when I made it up. The target was perfect, it wouldn't be suspicious if he died in a heart attack during a rough night in the bar. I stopped by a garden center before the flight and got myself some oleander.
Later that day I went to the bar dressed like a slutty waitress, obviously nothing too revealing and indecorous but I had to make sure that I can serve him my little poison cocktail. I waited until he got up from the bar stool and walked out from the bar to smoke a cigarette.
I stepped in front of him when he was in the door and handed him the brownish drink from a silver tray. He cluelessly accepted my offer and brought the drink out with him. I followed him and when I got out to the fresh air I politely asked for a cigarette. -À votre santé!- I watched him drink half of the cocktail in one breath after most of his cigarette was burnt down. About 3 minutes later he started breathing heavily and he suddenly grabbed his left arm in pain. I watched as he was about to collapse and held him in the last second to put him on the floor, dampening the noise. I quickly took the glass out of his rigid hand and checked his pulse. He was dead. I was pretty satisfied with my work, no cuts, no blood or red spots, nothing that indicated a murder. His hand was still laying on his shoulder making it look exactly like an unexpected heart attack. I took one last look at his dead body and rapidly walked away.

A few days went by it was already past midnight, another full-of-thoughts but very much sleepless night. I was home laying on my bed desperately forcing myself to fall asleep when I hear footsteps from the hallway. All my childhood I was in fear and this job also made me sort of paranoid so I was prepared to fight anyone at anytime.
I put a silk robe on before I sneak to the kitchen and grabbed a fairly large knife. The next thing I did was looking out from the little door-viewer hole thing like a pro. I see nothing so I unlock the door and slightly open it and by now I feel like I'm in a spy slash horror movie. I didn't think about the fact that I was probably the scary one considering that I was holding a giant kitchen knife to my back and was walking across the hallway in the middle of the night.
I stroll to the stairs and for my surprise I see Villanelle. I'm not sure if it was the adrenaline or the serotonin that suddenly attacked my heart. (Ironic.) Her sight was lovely, she was wearing grey oversized suits and a white t-shirt under the blazer. Her beautiful blonde hair was up in a bit chaotic bun and her face was just as cute as it usually is. She was holding a bouquet of pink flowers.
I sighed, let go of the grip and rested my arms next to my body. V looked at the knife in my hand and frowned. She made her impressed face and said -Good reflexes-
-You scared the shit out of me, what are you doing here this late?- I angrily whispered as I stood there. -I came to surprise you- she whispered back as she stepped closer and held one of my hands. We made eye contact with each other and after I was satisfied with how much I looked at her with grumpiness I quickly pulled her by her hands. -Come in than!- I said playfully.

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