Fall With You |Jonas x Reader

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You moved away from the rusty edge of the cable cart. It shook but stayed at enough level so you could stand. You listened to the gears turning. It was high up. You could see the whole forest from this height.

Jonas shifted his foot awkwardly. He was right by your side. There was limited space so your shoulders practically bumped.

The reason you were this transport system was because of Ren.

~Start of Flashback~

Ren, you and Jonas were in Beacon Beaches' cave. Ren had been RAVING about showing you something great. He quickly ate a 'brownie' and then took out his portable radio. He tuned it near specific piles of rocks. At first nothing happened. Then loud noises. The tuning caused flashing lights and static noises to appear from a tunnel hole.

Jonas took the radio from Ren (who was now high and likely to break it) and quickly entered the passage that had flashed light. You followed him, the tunnel leading to a bigger cave. You had to climb rocks. Go through narrow passage ways. And then you saw the triangle.

By the cave's ceiling was a rotating, glowing triangle. It turns out the triangle could connect with the radio when you tuned the right stations.

Jonas did this and you vaguely remember the triangle becoming bigger, with a red eye. And distorted voices.

And then somehow you transported from this dark cave to a grassy area.

The area was by the tower Dick Harden. You managed to get in this com-tower and get into contact with Ren, Clarissa, and Alex. Clarissa and Alex were together at Milner Outpost. Sure, they hated one another but at least they had each other whereas Ren- he was all by himself. Ren also had those 'brownies' so it was clear you had to get him first.

~End of Flashback~

Jonas patted his back pocket to check if Ren's radio was still there.

You looked over the ledge and at the sky. The moon was out and the stars danced around it. A gentle breeze went by.

"You're Y/N, right?"

asked Jonas. He glanced at you with his amber eyes. His hair blew a little with the wind.

"Yeah," you responded shyly.

"I see," his voice trailed off into a lull. There was an awkward silence.

"And your Jonas?," you piped up.

"Yeah," he said, and gave you a slightly relieved look, "I'm glad you don't just see me as Alex's new stepbrother."

You laughed.


"What was that?"

You looked and saw the cord of the cable cart was on 3 loose threads.

There was a sickening snapping sound and everything dropped. You fell back, gripping the wall, anything for support. You were falling. Just as you were going to hit the ground, the sound of whirring fills your ears, like the rewinding of a tape.

You were back on the cable cart.


You nearly stumbled back, catching the ledge. The cable cart wobbled unevenly. Jonas was there and looked alarmed. Your racing heart beat slowed down.

"We're back?," you whisper.

"What do you mean?," asked Jonas. He looked confuddled.

"This cable cart snapped," you said, panic rising in your voice, "We were in it- how-how-"

"Okay just calm down," Jonas said, moving his hands downward to signal you to calm down, "This is a public- thing so we can't fall or they'd be sued or something. Okay?"

"No Jonas! Listen-"

"Wait," he cut you off, "Did you hear that?"


You heard the familiar snapping sound. Your stomach dropped once again. And as your impending doom came everything went to static.

You were back in the cable cart.

Your legs felt weak, causing you to stumble and grab Jonas for support. He was taken aback but helped you stand.


"Wait," Jonas repeated, "We've done this before."

Relief replaced some of your fear. He remembered.

In some way.

Jonas groaned and touched his forehead with his hand in a way that indicated he had a slight migraine. This time loop was affecting him.

You looked over the ledge and down below there was a public trail, benches- and an oncoming lake.

"We have to jump."

Jonas laughed in disbelief.

"You're kidding me."

You moved past him to the door of the cable cart, unhooking the latch and allowing it to swing open. Wind blew at your ankles. You stared at the approaching waters. Your feet were right on the ledge.

Jonas squeezed by your side. He was still touching his aching temple but with his free hand he took your hand.

His eyes stared down.

"Should we jump on the count of 3?"

You gave a curt nod.

"3," he said.

"2," you blurt out. Out of instinct you squeeze his hand.


You both shout and jump.

The fall left your feet exposed without ground. The only thing that kept your consciousness was Jonas's hand in yours.

You slammed through some sort of barrier, a whirring sound spiraling away. It was almost like a pressure had been lifted.

You were still in the air.


You crashed and sank into cold waters. It chilled you to the bone. You could see white bubbles.

Your lungs took in air again as your head came out of the water. Jonas was by your side, his hand still in yours. He pulled at your arm.

"Jonas," you whispered, relieved.

"Hang on," he said.

His hair was damp on his forehead and his cap stuck on the back of his neck.

You made it to the coast. Jonas let go of your hand.

Your fingers dug into the rocks of the bank, causing your nails to chip and crack. You couldn't pull yourself up. The impact from before left you stunned. You whimpered softly.

Jonas struggled to get up, pulling himself out of the cold water. He reached for you, with a dripping wet hand, clutched your forearm and pulled you out.

Both of you took a moment to catch your breath.

In the distance the cable cart snapped and the transport system disappeared into the forest.

"That would've been us," murmured Jonas.

You leaned against his shoulder, making him tense. He looked at you from the corner of his eye. His body slowly relaxed and you both sat in silence on the coast.

The two of you were okay.

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