Bookworm| Jonas x Reader x Ren

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|x bookworm! reader|

You held your favorite book by your side as you walked down a dirt trail. The sky was turning a darker color indicating it was getting close to night. You had just passed a sign that said Discovery Cliffs. It pointed downhill. You had to be careful not to stumble the slope. You could hear Nona and Clarissa down below. Alex, Jonas and Ren had come on the same boat as you. Alex jogged ahead with, Jonas walking behind her on the upper ground.

Ren was by your side.

"Is that a book with you?," he questioned, as you walked, staring at your novel and then at you.

"Yes," you respond.

"Just in case your bored?" The blonde quirked a brow at you.

"No! Just in case no one wants to talk to me."

"Whaaaat," he exclaimed, "Who wouldn't want to talk to you!?"

You shrugged and caught Jonas glancing back at you, with his hazel eyes. They averted when they made contact with your own.

Ren put an arm around you, making you nearly drop your book from his sudden physical contact.

"-But if that's the case," he reassured, "I'll be right by your side."

You were surprised but smiled a little.

It took you a few more steps to make it to a rocky ledge. It was sorta high and you had to climb down. Alex and Jonas were already at the bottom, waiting for you to descend.

"Ladies first," Ren cooed.

Oh well.

You clutched the book to your chest with one arm and with the other begin to climb down. It was...very high. One grip after the other. You suddenly missed your footing and your one hand couldn't support you, causing you to fall back.

Two arms quickly caught you. The person who had you nearly stumbled back. You spun around to go face to face with Jonas. His cap was crooked and your faces were close.

You held your book infront, causing it to be pressed against his chest. You both stared at one another. He helped you stand upright.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"Y...yeah," you say a little shaken.

"What's the hold up?" yelled Clarissa from afar. Nona was by her side and whispered something indistinctly to the red head before they both approached.

"The hold up," spoke up Ren, as he quickly climbed down the rocks, "Is that Y/N almost fell down- and broke all her bones!"

That might be a little exaggeration.

"Luckily Alex's step brother was there to catch her- otherwise who knows what would of happened!"

"You just said she could of broken her bones," snapped Clarissa, "And....Alex's stepbrother?" She looked to the tallest of the group.

"Yes," you say, slightly smiling, "His name is actually Jonas-"

"Oh, would you look at that!" she interrupted you, "The bookworm is now functioning. Nona does our fire have enough fuel because if not we can use the pages in Y/N's book for it."


"Shut up, Clarissa," said Ren, walking past her, "I don't even know why I invited you."

"Ooooh," murmured Alex in mockery, coming to her friend's side, "Gotta get some ice for that burn."

You tried to hide your grin and followed them, alongside with Jonas.

"Thank you," you told Alex's stepbrother, quietly, as you strolled side by side.

He looked at you.

"Well I wasn't going to let you fall and hurt yourself," he muttered, pulling down on his cap.

You giggled. He smiled a little.

It was a good night.


Oxenfree x Reader| ONE-SHOTSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें