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I walked the lonely streets. Cars still burnt on the side of teh road.There was a person inside a flipped over car, the tire slowlyspinning. The front wheel slowly burning. It was a midde aged man, maybe in his 30's pawing at the window. He didn't make any dents in it at all, maybe sometime ago he could, but now his arms no longer worked. I didn't stop to help him, he didn't need it. I looked over at his face. One eye was missing and the flesh on one cheek was peeling off. His hair was greasy and unkept. He was a gross shade of different greens. One of his legs lay severed in the car next to him that had fallen on him. He couldn't escape, i walked past him. I thought back to another time, a time where there was once many of us butnow there is none. The clouds above me swirled in circles. There was no more sun in the sky. It had left us long ago. There was no more hope for humanity we were once a stong people with towers that touched the sky's and bridges that covered giant lakes. There was land that went on for miles with different kinds of food like wheat and potatoes. Now they lay as a barren wasteland. Burned to the ground or stolen out of greed or rush in the new era. I am the only one left. I am the last survivor.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello! This is the creator you can call me Naf anhyway this is my first ever story/ fanfiction so I hope you guys like it! I will post new chapters and updates every sunday!



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