Chapter 5

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It had seemed like you had been walking forever. But rather, it had only been a couple of hours. You and F/n were tired and worn out, your feet kept dragging under your legs making an auful shuffling sound that seemed to reverbirate through the roadside.

"I-i can't go anymore." F/n said as she plopped to the ground with a huff.

You slumped over and layed down in the road with her. No cars had come by during your whole walk so you both assumed that there would be none to come as well. You layed on the road staring up into the sky above you. There were still some scaterted clouds that were covering the moon, but you were able to see the stars through the clouds as well. There were thousands of them staring down at you. You could lay here forever.

"What was that?" F/n said suddenly sitting up and looking around frantically.

You listened closely and quietly trying to catch the sound that F/n had heard before.


You heard a rustling noise through the feilds of now you could see which were, in fact, corn. You glanced over at F/n looking for her reaction to this new sound. She looked over at the corn feilds were she thought the sounds were coming from as well. She grabbed a small twig that was resting on the grass on the side of the road and held it up like a weapon in deffence. The sounds got louder as they got closer. You sneaked behind F/n and her makeshift weapon. Then suddenly a man burst out from behind the rows of corn. You and F/n both jumped back screaming widly. That's when it started to talk.

"M-mission Abo-ort..." He said quietly as he tried to crawl towards you.

You almost threw up, it was the second man from before, it wasn't Sebastian. But your breath hitchted into your throat when you looked around and didn't see him with the second man. F/n scrunched up her nose and put the stick-sword down and grabbed his arm. One arm, the other one was torn off and only some little peices of flesh remained on the exposed bone. You held your hands to your mouth as you tried not to throw up. F/n dragged him up and onto the road. He looked up at you with one eye, the other one was out of the socket and hanging limp out of the hole. You criged as he layed on his back in the road.

"M-mission Abort..." He said again.

"What mission?" F/n asked getting the courage to finally speak.

"St-stay clo-lose." he said stummbling on his words. "F-find the sch-chool..."

"W-who did this to you?" you asked finally getting the courage to ask him the question that was bugging at the back of your head "W-where's Sebastian?"

The man looked up at you with sorrowful and pittying eyes as he tried to form the words "S-seb-bas-stiaan..." he said his eyes growing foggy "a-alive..." He said as he let out his last breath.

You looked down at him with shock. F/n took her hand and brushed it over his face closing his eyes for good. You slumped back down to the ground and looked at the barren road again. You got up and grabbed your bag. If sebastian was still alive out there than you had to find him. F/n scrambled with her bag and followed behind you. Both of you ignoring the red blood stained road behind you as you bothe started off again towards the school.


Hello again!

Sorry for anyone who is sensitive to gore and read this chapter. Even if there wasn't alot. I put a warning at the top of the page so you should have listened :/ but anyway! Heres the second update chapter becuase i didnt update last saturday and im so sorry for it! How are you guys liking my story? Please leave a comment below if you liked it. It really does help :3



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