Chapter 7

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"NO!" you awoke with a start, you moved your hands around the darkness beside you trying to look for a weapon.

As the final memories of your dream were forgotten your eyes began to adjust to the darkness. You where sleeping on the top floor of an empty barn, there was straw strewn everywhere. F/n slept close nearby laying in a large pile of straw. You sighed and stood up brushing off the needles that still stuck to your clothes that where a little tattered from a fall that you had earlier trying to get up to the top. You turned around and glanced out the small window in the back of the barn. There was a dead fire outside that had turned to ashes, you felt a weight drop a little, you didn't remember setting up a fire last night. The sun had barley started to come up on the horizon, so you decided it would be safe to go outside and investigate the small fire.

You were especially careful to climb down the ladder quietly so that F/n could sleep in peace. You climbed down and stepped outside making sure to scan your surroundings for any of the monsters. You stepped outside and walked over to the fire, it was dead now but there were still some embers that burned. You heard a crunching sound and turned around, a dark figure was approaching you, you turned and ran going for the door handle on the barn. You desperately tried to open the door to the barn, the handle on the door jiggling desperately. You turned around and saw that the figure was right behind you now, you stepped back and tripped falling on your butt. You looked up as the figure leaned in closer, you closed your eyes and waiting for death.

You waited, and waited, but nothing happened, you opened one eye to see that the figure had their hand out waiting for you to take it.

"Are ye just going to sit there forever, miss?" the figure said.

You hesitantly took his hand and he pulled you up with ease.

"Are ye okay?" he asked.

You could clearly see his face now, he had bright red hair that spiked up in almost a bun, some of his hair spilled out onto his face creating bangs. He had bright purple eyes that shone in the light that the sun was casting as it came up above the horizon, he had a painted tear drop that was below his left eye. He gave you a wide smile and you blushed slightly, you hoped that he couldn't notice in the shade of the barn.

"Y-yes." you said finally "I'm fine."

"What be ye name?" he asked.

"I'm Y/n." you said "What's your name?"

He did a low bow to you, crossing his arms across his chest and putting one leg behind the other "I'm Joker." he said "Pleased to meet ye."

You giggled slightly "Is Joker your actual name?" You asked.

Joker looked up at you and smiled "No, no" he said "everyone in our troupe has their own original new name ye get when ye join."

He stared intently at you for a little, making you shift uncomfortably.

"What are you doing?" You finally asked.

"Well if your going to join us you need a new name Y/n!" he said.

"Woah!" you said "What makes you think I'm joining you! I barely know you!"

"Because a lovely lady like ye shouldn't be out here all alone."

"I-I'm not alone." you said "I have F/n their my friend."

"Then they can come with us!" Joker responded.

Just then you heard a loud clanging sound coming from the inside of the barn, You heard a yelp and then footsteps coming down the ladder inside. Joker instantly stepped in front of you holding in one hand a knife and his other hand was extended in front of you so that you couldn't move forward.

"Joker!" you said "What are yo-"

He put a finger up to his mouth signaling you to be silent. You rolled your eyes.

"Its just my friend." You said moving his arm down.

A loud banging started on the door, making you jump a little bit.

"Look I'll show you everything's okay." you said walking up to the door passing joker.

"No, Y/n" he held his hand out trying to grab you before you opened the door.

But it was too late, you opened the door and three zombies tumbled out of the door, their skin peeling and their faces all bruised and bloody. You screamed and jumped back, joker moved in front of you stabbing the first zombie in the head and then taking out the second one. The third one lingered in the door way for a moment and then charged moving quickly. It caught Joker off guard as it tackled him, dropping his knife on the ground.

"Get out of here, Y/n" he said holding the nipping and thrashing zombie above him. "Get out of here!"

"I can't leave you!" You said looking around desperately for a weapon.

You noticed Jokers knife laying close to your feet, you grabbed it and held it out in front of you as you walked closer to Joker and the zombie. Your hands were shaking violently as you plunged the knife into the zombies head. It instantly went limp, Joker threw it off of him and stood up brushing off his clothes.

"Well," He said "That was exciting."

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