The Begnining

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"y/n!" someone screamed from inside the house. "Y/n you going to need to get up now if you dont want to be late for school!"

You rolled over onto your side and right off the bed! You stayed on the floor moaning. You looked up and was greeted by your dog. His nose sniffing around my face making sure I was okay after the tumble. He lifted his head at you and barked.

"Okay! Okay! I'm up!"

You leaned on one elbow and looked around the room. There were different boy band posters and different singers posters hanging up on your walls. There was a window on the other side of your rainbow style bed, bringing light into the room. You were 16 years old, and you should be getting ready for your first day back at highschool as a junior but instead you were going somewhere worse.

Your dog padded over to his bed in the corner of your room and went back to sleep. You walked over to your closet and quickly looking over your clothes and calling out.

"There's nothing to wear!"

Your mother peaked her head in your room. "We'll your going to have to find something to wear, everything else is packed away for boarding school."

That word. BOARDING SCHOOL. You hated that word. It mean being away from your freinds for a whole two years. You'd be there becuase of some incidents you and your friend had at your school. You sighed deeply and turned back around looking at the closet. You picked out a black shirt with tight fit jeans. You looked down at the remaining shoes at the bottom of your closet. You grabbed a pair of white converse sneakers to go with it. You grabbed your brush and clothes and walked into the bathroom. You closed the door and put your things down on the white granet sink. You picked up your brush and combed the knots out of your h/c hair. You put it in a messy bun and put your clothes on. You rushed down stairs to grab something to eat.

"We'll finally sleepyhead! Glad your finally awake!" Your friend said sarcastically.

She usually stayed over at your house a lot becuase her mother had died in childbirth and her father was abusive. So she became like family to us.

"Oh be nicer f/n! It's your first day!" Your mother told her.

"I'm just joking with her!" Your friend said and have you a wink.

You winked back and giggled. But you put on a straight face when you walked past your mom. You grabbed some yogurt from the closet and a spoon.

"So anything BIG planned for the day?" You asked your mom sarcastically.

"Well" she said not catching your sarcasm "after you guys go to boarding school I was going to go out and look for a jo-"

"I was being sarcastic mom." You said to her rolling your eyes. You never really had a good relashionship with your mother. Not since the seat at the end of the table became empty ten years ago.

The Last LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora