Chapter 3

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You were slightly nervous and confused at the same time. You decided that now would be the best time for you to go and get your bags ready. You got up from the table and quickly rushed up stairs making sure not to look behind you. You felt his eyes on your back as you climed the stairs and entered your room. Quickly closing the door behind you. You turned around and looked over your room one last time. There was a brown suitcase that was jammed full of clothing and other things you would need that was sitting on the other side of your bed. It seemed out of place there like a dead rose in a beautiful garden. You ignored the idea and grabbed it and dragged it out from the other side of your bed. You oturned around and your dog stood their smiling up at you, his tail wagging. You gave him a sad smile as you leaned down to rub his head. You started scratching behind his ears as well

"You be a good boy while im gone you hear?" you told him. He gave you a little bark as a responce and rubbed his head up against you "Love you too boy..." you said quetly.

You got up and grabbed your bag once again and started heading out the door. Your dog going back over into his bed and laying down sadly. You frowned aliitle bit and stood at the top of the stairs looking over the scene.

This is it. You thought Looks like I'll finially be out of the house for good.

You were cut short on your thoughts by your friend dragging their stuff down behind you.

"Move!" F/n screamed

You jumped and turned around quickly moving out of the way for her. You looked behind her at her bag. It was almost two times the size of yours and probably weighed as much too. you laughed slighly as you watched her drag it down the stairs and finally make it to the door with one big huff. She walked over to the raven haired man and said something. He smilied lightly and gave a bow helping her with her bag. You felt a twinge of something in the pit of your stomach but you shrugged off the feeling and you lugged your bag down the stairs as well.

"Well, i guess this is goodbye." You said sharply to your mother.

"Make me proud sweety." She said giving you a big hug and let it linger there for a moment.

You quickly took the oportunity to hug her back. You thought back to the last time she had ever given you a hug like this before. It was when your father was still alive and well. Tears started to well up in your eyes but you brushed them away quickly.

"I will mom." You said sweetly to her.

You turned towards the door and saw the older man standing there in the doorway. He moved to the side and helped you with your bags. You smilied polietly and strolled over to the bus. Sebastian took your bag and hauled it onto the bus with ease.

"My lady." he said with a slight bow gestureing the the bus doors.

You laughed slightly. He looked out of place standing next to a rickity old school bus while he wore a nice ironed suit and tie with white gloves. You took his hand and he helped you onto the bus, and smilied at you. When you got on the bus he left and stepped into a black car that was parked behind the school bus. The older man came up and started the bus and started to move. You sat down next to F/n and waved goodbye to your mother and dog as the only world you ever knew faded away.



First off I'd like to apologize for the crazy updating schedual, but ive finally made time for doing this on my Sunday nights. So every runday night i WILL update this book. My other book will be updated as well on the same time. :3 I hope you all are likeing the story so far and truthfully im very excited to make this book.

I wonder what will happen next as you travel far away from your home with one mysterious, and handsom stranger. ;) Keep reading to find out!


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