Chapter 4

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You woke up to F/n shaking your shoulders.

"Wake up Y/n" she said with a tired voice.

You groggily got up, being waked from your peaceful sleep only to open your eyes and see an empty bus again didn't make you so happy. But then you realized that something was off.

"Why isnt the bus moving?" you said. You quickly turned towards the window and looked outside.

It was pitch black out and there was only a little moon shining through the clouds as it tried to reach you from its perch above the dark looming clouds. There was a crop feild of somesort that looks almost like corn but it was too dark to tell now. You moved from the window up to the front of the bus where you looked outside and saw the black car that was parked right outfront of the bus as well. There was no one inside and the car lights weren't running.

"Oh God..." you said to F/n "where are Sebastian and that other man?"

She looked confused for a second before saying "The car broke down." she said slowly "They went to go to a gas station up ahead and they said that they'd be back soon. Hey, how did you know that mans na-''

You cut her off 'What do you mean they left?!" you practially screached."Why didnt you go with them? Or better yet why didnt you wake me up so that we could all go together!"

"The tall black haired man-''

"sebastian..." you mummbled.

"WHATEVER!" she screamed "He said to stay with you becuase he needed you back to the school saftly and said i could keep you safe."

Your heart nearly jumped out of your skin at him mentioning you. But you tried to ignore it as you grabbed your bag and satrted dragging it to the front of the bus.

"Uhm, what are you doing?" F/n said.

"Well," you said slighly aggitated "we can't be out here all alone so i guess we'd better go after them or up to the school."

You breathed heavily as you dragged your bag to the front of the bus, opening the door and staring out into the black.

"Any chance that your coming with me?" you asked a little squemishly.

F/n sighed "Yeah but only to protect you from that big scary black night." she said rolling her eyes and giving you a half smile.

You smiled back at her and stepped off the bus with your luggage and F/n following behind you.

"Well lets start walking towards the direction that the bus and car are facing." F/n said "Thats the way that they started walking so we want to go that way too."
You nodded and grabbed your bag as you followed behind her making sure to stay as close to her as possible. You hated the dark, there were always new scary stories out there like haunted dolls, and vengful ghosts. You watched every single one of them. You and F/n had gone on a scary movie binge watch one summer, and you ended up being scared out of your wits. F/n was fine, she never seemed bothered by the dark nor creepy. But you on the other hand had never been good with dealing with your emotions, so when you watched creepy movies about Phsyco killers and evil undead it gave you chills. Just like it did now. You grabbed F/n's hand and walked along the long and dark road to try and find some help.


Oh my god,

i am so so sorry i never got around to posting and updating the story until now, im so mean. Anyway i will do a double update today to make up for leaving you guys hanging and becuase im in the mood to. So yeah! BOI


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