Chapter 2

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You stared at the seat that sat across from you. There was dust that had started to collect, giving the chair a ghostly pale. The chair had used to be your fathers before he passed away. When he was still alive we were always moving for his job. You never knew what it was, mostly because one of the big rules in your house was that we could never talk or ask about Daddy's job. One day a man came to your door and gave your mother a letter. He bowed and walked away your mother closing the dorr behind him. She opened the letter later that night like she does with all of your mail. You were usually still up late at night, you loved hearing your father com ehome. Thats when you heard your mother start crying, you jolted out of bed and ran downstairs. You saw her sitting in the living room with tears streaming down her face, the letter sat next to her in the chair.

"Mommy?" you had asked her "are you okay?"

She looked over at you and put a smile on her face to try and reassure you. "It's okay sweetheart, Mommy's okay." she said placing the letter down on the counter and hugging you.

That was the last time you heard of your father, the letter and note that your mother got contained information about your fathers death during an accident with his job. The sad thing was you were still too young to undertand the conept of death and you went to his funeral confused. You of course never saw his corpse and your mother couldn't bear it to look over at him one more time. So they just burried him. You and your mother would always visit the graveyard on the weekends for years after until you were finally able to comprehend what had happened. You didn't cry much, you barely remembered him and by that tim eyou were being bullied at school and your whole demenor had become cold. That is, until you met your bet friend. Of course your mother never showed you the letter so one night you snuck into her rom and took the letter and read it. It didn't say much, just that he had passed away on the job and they were giving us their sencere regrets. You threw it back. You didn't want to look at it.

You were awoken from your memories from a ring from the door. You looked over as F/n jumped up and ran over. They opened the door and saw two men standing there. You peeked out from the table you were sitting. From your angle you could see both the men at the door. The second man looked like and average middle aged father. He had grey streaks going down the sides of his hair, which was the only places letf that he still had it. His eyes where small and kind, almost reasuring. He was only slightly taller than F/n. Thats when you looked over at the other man. Your eyes widened slightly asw he stood there. he had a sly smile on his face. His hair was raven black he and had deep red eyes that scanned his surroundings. He was much, much taller than F/n but he wuold only be a couple feet taller than you. He looked down at F/n as the second man looked slightly down at her.

"We are here to escort you to your new school and housing system." He said.

F/n looked back at us and then rushed up the stairs to get ready. Your mother came over and talked to the men as you sat at the table. The raven haired man looked around and caught you sitting at the table his red eyes locking with your E/c eyes. He looked you up and down and his smirk widened. You could've sworn his eyes flashed pink but that can't be true. He looked directly at you and mouthed something. Even though he was so far away you could hear it as clear as day in your mind.


You shook your head, and his smirk widened even more. That's his name. Sebastian.


Hello there its me again,

I'm so sorry for the awkward updating times and for not posting a message at the bottom of my other chapter. I have been busy with school work and i'm still trying to work out a schedual.But anyway I hope you like my story! I will hopefully update again soon until then! :)

what will happen next?

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