Xx hospitals xX

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*wills p.o.v*

I saw her fall on the ground blood rushing from her wrist. I first I froze but I ran to her. Hot tears ran down my face. I flipped her over face up. I looked at her wrist. I hate looking at pictures let alone the real thing. I couldn't look I put my head on her chest and stayed there crying And screaming I'm sorry. And it diddnt take that long for police to find me. I couldn't move. And I couldn't feel, was I in shock. They brought 2 streachers. One for each of us. They were running us through the forest. Ugh I'm so tierd. I thought closing my eyes.
*Taylor p.o.v*

I remember all of it up to falling and seeing will. I opened my eyes. Every thing was blury. Then like a camera it focosed. I saw a white room there were orgens in jars and next to the bed I was strapped to, was a table with blood stained tools. What the fuck. A guy who looked not human at all (caved in stomach, burned zombie like skin, and a few hairs sticking out. you could see all of his bones) he had a white apren with blood on it. He looked at me and grebed his sisors they were HUGE. "You may be asking who I am." He said. "I don't give a fuck who you are. I wanna know what you are" I said. "A monster. But not like the ones in the books. I'm a monster under your bed but not as nice. But I'm Dr.Gerber. he said traveling a knife along my face. "But for being rude young lady." He said cutting a deep cut on my heel. I screamed vishosly trying to get out of the bed spitting and screaming. Why. Why me I always live in pain.
*wills p.o.v*

Well I was in shock but I'm fine now there going to give her stitches so they moved her into the sergery room. She was awake but diddnt seem to notice me. "You may be wondering who I am." The docter said. "I don't give a fuck who you are I just wanna know what you are." She hissed. Why did she say that lol. "I'm a human, Taylor? I'm Dr.Chris."he said. He started to work on her stitches. She all the sudden screaming bloody murder. She always handles pain so that wasn't normal. She started moving as if she was strapped down. She was spiting and screaming. What the hell? They came with out with a neetil and stabbed her in the neck. She calmed down and was un-conches. He continued working on her stitches.

After he was done they but her in a strait jacket. What the hell? She isn't crazy. I started banging on the glass screaming. And gareds started taking me out of the room.


They took me to St.brooks asylem. They thought she was crazy. "Go to the front desk say your name and then taylors." The guy told me. I got out and looked at a huge castle like building. I walked up to the doors and opened them. There were people everywhere. Half of them were crazy. The lady looked at me. "May I help you?" She said rudely.
*Taylor p.o.v*

I kept fighting 2 more I identical people got me out of the straps but took me and threw me in a car. It had been about an hour so I fell asleep.


I woke up still in the car. But I couldn't move my arms I was in a straight jacket. What the fuck. A guy sat me up and buckeled me in. We drove to a large castle like building. In big letters it said "St.brooks asylem" oh fuck. I'm not crazy that guy was. They stopped, took me in and threw me in a room with nothing in it but a bed and a concrete chair thing. They but me on the bed. Why did they do this. Why did will let them.
*wills p.o.v*

"I'm will kiingtong I'm here for Taylor golstrem." I said. She typed in the computer fastly. "She needs to be here for 3 days please sign here." She said handing me a paper. I read the contract over. There was no getting her out. If I didn't sign it they would keep her there forever. I had no choose. I signed it. I felt horrible. "Can I visit her before I leave." I asked. "Yea she's in room 307 if any other person bothers you say carline said you could." She said handing me a key. I walked to room 307. Unlocked the door. And walked in. "WILL!" she squeeled. She got up. She still had a strait jacket on. J went to her and hugged her. "What happened?" I asked. She explained stuff about a doctor and her foot. "Taylor that never happened I watched the whole thing." I said. "It happened I felt it, I could see it, hear it." She said. I moved her hair out of her face. "When the guy did your stitches I guess you were hullisinating." I said. "I was on a lot over IVs and meds..." she said. I sat her down. "Your gonna be staying here for 3 days." I said. She looked at me. "They said they won't feed you any meds exsept for sleeping pills. You'll also have natraul meals to keep you healthy. They only have you here for a trial. I'm sorry I had no choice if I didn't agree they would keep you here for the rest of your life." I explained. She put her head on my shoulder and cryed. When she was done she looked at me. She didn't say anything just looked. I leaned in and kissed her. Two guys came in telling me to leave. I hugged and kissed her one more time. "I love you, see you in 3 days." I said leaving.

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