Xx never trust yourself xX

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I got in angels car. She had blonde hair same style as mine right now, but her hair is flat and goes down to her butt and pretty brown eyes unlike mine are gray. She was waring a matcing outfit. James was in the back.
We saw the ladder to the sewer where they where having the party. We climbed down. There was a black light makeing everything glow and teens makeing out and drunk teens and teens danceing. this wasn't the first time i've been to a rave. me and angel went to the bathroom. "so are you and will like together, cause if you are you will be concitered cheating." she said wile re appling lipstick. "no, yes, i dont know?" i said wile re appling my ipstck. "well, has he said the word girlfriend to you?" she asked after poping her lips and taking out eye shaddow. "no, but we kissed." i said turning towerds her. "dude like what!?" she sounded wirdly happy about it. "that is so cute you and james have like no cemistry." she turned to me. "should i break up with james and wait for will to make a move?" i asked. "no, not yet, not untill your copletely shure about will." she said. "ok your right." i wish i had feelings for james but i just dont any more. we went to the dance floor and james grabed my waist and kissed me, it was amazing i love him again. wait no. still the same i love will not james. i thoght maby if i had a few drinks i would think differnt ly and wouldnt feel like shit. i just had orterd a drink and someone tapped on my sholder. "really james im not in the moo-" i stared at not james but, will. he was confused. "w-what are you doing here?" i asked will. "well i knew you were lieing and i wasnt gonna let you get away without telling me the truth?" he sounded fine not angery. "i-i-" i diddnt know what to say. but my vistion re-focoused and i saw james stairing at me kinda mad. "look i dont care but why did you lie?" he asked. "i'll be right back stay here and if anyone comes up to you say nothing and start speaking french." i walked of with out him saying anything. i walked to james angel who was grinding on some random guy. "ANGEL!" i screamed like 5 times. "oh sorry." we walked to the other side of the club were you eat (the any age place.) "there are children here." some random guy said. "fuck you and these ugly ass children." (a/n kevin heart refrence ;) uh sorry back to the story)  he backed off real quick. "will followed us here, i dont really care but james saw will talking to me, what do i do?!" i asked panicking. "i'll distracket james and you get will out." she said. (little did i know this wasnt gonna work out that well.''  we ran back to the club i ran to will she ran to james. "hey but me and angel are gonna leave in a few how about you go back to and i'll see you tomarow im spending the night over hers." i said. "WHO THE FUCK IS HE TAYLOR!" james yelled in my face and pushed me. but i couldn't stop anything that happend that night... 

(to be continued)

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