Chapter 5: Cat in the Hat

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After breakfast, Jake retires to the main lobby of the hotel, where he sits at the bar with Husk. Despite his sour demeanor, Jake was able to get past it and see Husk for who he truly is. When Husk was actually sort of happy, he was actually kind of pleasant to be around.

Husk was one of the first to know of Jake's true identity. Since Husk usually doesn't care about most things, Jake trusted him to keep the secret.

Husk takes a swig of his cheap booze, setting it down on the bar. "Listen, kid," he says, his gruff voice which most people found grating not effecting Jake. "I don't remember what love is like."

"I know, you lost the ability to love years ago," Jake jokes, only earning a sight smile from Husk.

"As I was saying, I don't remember what it was like, but if I was in your shoes, kid, I'd be telling her how ya feel." Jake lets out a bitter laugh. Easier said than done, he thinks. He takes a swig from his own cheap booze, replacing his mask after he pulls the bottle away.

"And let Charlie know that I've become the thing that causes what she's trying to stop? She'll fucking HATE ME, Husk." Jake drums his fingers on the bar. It wasn't particularly fancy, but Jake almost preferred it's simplicity over it being gaudy like Alastor usually would've done.

Husk lets out a deep, "hmph" before taking another swig of his booze. "Yeah, right," he says, rolling his eyes. "If she's anything like you say she is, then you've got nothing to fear." Jake runs a hand through his brown hair, pushing it all back. He then stares at his gloved hands. These hands are responsible for countless deaths. Jake can almost see and smell the blood on the leather.

He wanted so much to burn the gloves right there and then, to tear the mask right off of his face and crush it underneath his boot. He wanted to run into Charlie's warm embrace, an embrace that always made him feel loved.

He opens his palm, and a small flame materializes. He stares at it, basking in its warm glow, seeing a faint reflection.

He feels a small hand softly grab onto his shoulder. He turns to see Charlie, standing there with a sheepish grin.

"Hi, with all due respect, could you, maybe, not burn down my hotel?" Jake tilts his head in confusion. Charlie sheepishly points and Jake follows it to his right hand, which still has a flame dancing on it. He quickly puts out the flame.

"Sorry about that," he says, resting his hand on the counter of the bar. Charlie's sheepish smile turns into a brighter smile as she takes a seat right next to Jake.

"It's alright," she says, waving her hand in a dismissive manner. Her gaze falls upon the hand that produced the flame. "I had a friend who could do that once," she whispered, a sad smile crossing her face.

Shit, Jake thinks. Before he became the Reaper and started killing overlords, his only power was pyrokineses. It had been so long that he had forgotten that was the only power he had as Jake Brooks.

"I apologize, Miss Morningstar," Jake says, trying not to let his sad expression spread up to the upper half of his face. "I wasn't aware. I'll make sure to refrain from pyrokineses in the future."

Charlie shakes her head. "N-no it's alright. You didn't know." Charlie rubs her arm sheepishly.

"Is there something else, Miss Morningstar? Was this person more than a friend?"

Charlie's face turns a deep shade of crimson, now finding the floor to be the most interesting part of the room.

Jake's mouth hangs open from this revelation. How could he have been so blind?

From behind the bar, Husk smirks at Jake, who just shoots him a glare.

"He was... really important to me," she says, crossing her arms. "I'm pretty sure I was the first friend he made in Hell."

Jake closes his eyes, trying really hard to not let tears stream down his face. "I thank you for entrusting me with this information. It will not be misplaced."

Charlie gives Jake a sad smile. "Y'know, Reaps, you're alright. Despite the whole, 'murdering people' thing." She lets out a soft giggle as Jake gets to his feet.

"I simply did what I had to in order to survive." Jake walks calmly over to the stairs before looking back at Charlie. "I will talk with you later, Miss Morningstar."

With that, Jake ascends the stairs and goes into his room, shutting the door behind him.

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