Chapter 11: True Happiness

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Jake has gone up and down the stairs of the Happy Hotel several times, but this time caused his nerves to go into overdrive. Everything would either go perfectly or it would go horribly.

Jake takes a deep breath and steels his nerves as he takes those final few steps down into the lobby of the Happy Hotel. The lobby is absolutely jam-packed with demons of all kinds. Jake tries to peek around the crowd until he catches sight of some long, platinum blond hair.

He smiles and carefully makes his way through the crowd, apologizing to those he bumps into.

Smiling, he reaches not only Charlie, but two other demons as well. They both bear similarities to Charlie, one of them being a tall woman with long, blond hair, dressed in all black, and the other being a man, a little shorter than Charlie, with short, blond hair, dressed in a white and red suit, and carrying a black cane with a shiny red apple on the end of it. Jake, of course, immediately recognizes them as Charlie's parents, Lilith and Lucifer Morningstar. Dread fills Jake's stomach as he stops his approach and quickly turns around.

He didn't get very far as he immediately ran into Alastor. "Sorry, Al," he says, trying to brush past the Radio Demon, who blocks Jake's path with an arm.

"What's the rush, my good man?" Alastor asks, looking in the direction Jake had been coming from. As he spots Charlie's parents he laughs. "Running away from young Charlotte's parents? My boy, you mustn't be afraid. You're the Reaper of Hell. Surely you can handle a confrontation with its king and queen."

With a sigh, Jake nods his head, prompting the Radio Demon's smile to somehow widen as he pushes Jake back towards where he came from, the brunette almost running right into Lucifer but he quickly stops himself.

The Lord of Hell turns towards the commotion, his yellow eyes narrowing as they settle on Jake. "Ah. Jake, I believed you to be dead."

The former Reaper grins sheepishly. "You and everyone else, Lucifer. But as you can see, I'm still living my best after-life."

"Hmm. Quite." Lucifer turns to face his wife and Queen. "Lilith, look who I've run into."

The Queen of Hell turns and smiles upon seeing Jake. "The young Mr. Brooks. It's a pleasure to see you again, my dear. Quite a pleasure indeed."

Jake's smile grows to become more genuine. "It's a pleasure for me as well, your majesty." Jake dips into a bow but Lilith stops him with a laugh.

"There's no needs for formalities, Jake," she says, a gentle smile directed toward the sinner. "I understand you've entered a... relationship with my daughter."

Jake's face turns a hue of pink as he rubs the back of his neck. He catches sight of Charlie conversing with Vaggie, smiling and laughing. "Yes your majes... Lilith."

The Queen continues to smile while Lucifer's eyes continue to narrow. "Well, you have my blessing," Lilith smiles. "I can tell how happy you make each other."

Jake smiles back. "Thank you, Lilith." He then turns to Lucifer. "Look, I don't know why you don't like me, nor do I want or need to know. All I know is that I love that woman with all my heart. I'm sure we have that in common at least. So you know what? I don't care if I don't have your blessing. Nothing will stop me from being with the girl that I love."

A moment passes with Lucifer staring down at the sinner, Jake not backing down. Lucifer suddenly smirks and pats the boy on the back. "My boy, I've been waiting for you to grow a pair and stand up to me for some time now. Of course you have my blessing."

Jake smiles and shakes the taller demon's hand. "Thank you, Lucifer." Lucifer simply nods at the boy who takes one last look at Charlie before moving to the bar.

Husk greets Jake with a very small smile. "Hey, kid. What do you want?"

Jake smiles back at the cat demon. "Hey, Husk. I just need a glass. And a fork if you have one." Husk gives a look of confusion before he just shrugs and hands Jake a wine glass and a metallic fork. "Thanks, Husk."

Husk simply smirks and pats Jake on the back. "Go get 'er, kid."

With a shaky breath, Jake nods at the alcoholic, a nervous smile adorning his features. He crosses the crowded lobby until he reaches a temporary stage, a black platform that sat 4-5 feet off the ground. The sinner easily climbs the stage and strides to a man in a booth on the corner of the stage, the DJ. Jake leans down and whispers to the demon who smiles and nods.

Silence engulfs the room as the music that was previously playing has now stopped. Complaints and confusion are directed towards the stage, drawing a crowd. Perfect.

Jake taps the fork against the glass, a slight ringing sound echoing throughout the lobby which makes all chatter stop almost instantly.

The former Reaper clears his throat and scans the ground. His eyes first land on Angel Dust who smirks and nods. Then Alastor whose toothy grin widens. Then Vaggie who gives a soft smile. Finally, he looks at Charlie, a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. Jake clears his throat and takes a deep breath.

"Ahem. Hey, everyone. You may not know my but my name is Jake. You may have heard of my other name; The Reaper. You may remember that name from the news, I used to be on it all the time." Jake pauses for the slight laugh that echoes in the lobby. "But now I spend my days here at the Happy Hotel, helping out my friends as well as my beautiful girlfriend, the one and only Charlotte Morningstar, who I'm sure needs no introduction." Jake glances down at his girlfriend who smiles and blushes.

"When I heard that someone got redeemed and earned their passage into heaven, few were as happy as I was. This has been Charlie's dream for the longest time, and the smile she had when it actually worked... nothing can compare to that moment. So imagine my surprise when, despite everything I've done in my afterlife, I found out I was the next to be redeemed." A few gasps emanate from the crowd, namely from Vaggie and Niffty. Jake reaches into his pocket and pulls out the small slip of paper.

"I never thought I'd be redeemed after what I've done." Jake looks at Charlie who gives a sad smile. "But... but this isn't right. Heaven is not my endgoal, heaven is not my home. Hell is my home." Jake holds out his left hand, which has the paper in it, as a flame comes to life in his palm, the paper burning away until nothing was left. Exclamations of shock and confusion came from the crowd.

"You see, heaven may be great and all, but why do I need it when I have everything I ever could've wanted right here. When I have you." Jake makes eye contact with Charlie and walks to the edge of the stage and reaches a hand out to her. Charlie shows clear reluctance. "C'mon, Charlie. I don't bite. Much," Jake jokes, causing Charlie to roll her eyes and take her boyfriend's hand as he pulls her onto the stage.

"Charlie, when I walked into the Happy Hotel for the first time and saw you for the first time in three years, all I wanted to do was hug you and kiss you. But I didn't. I was scared. Scared that you had forgotten me, that you would hate me for all the death I've caused. But I'm not scared anymore. Being able to finally come clean was the best day of my life. But I want to create an even better day."

Jake reaches into his other pocket, the small black box being visible in his hand as he drops to a knee. Charlie gasps, her hands going up to her mouth, many people in the crowd doing the same. "Charlie, I've always wondered why I was sent here for my afterlife when I haven't committed many sins. But now I think I know the answer. I was sent here to be with you. Charlotte Morningstar, will you marry me?"

Charlie nods frantically, tears flowing from her eyes. "Yes! Yes, a thousand times, yes!" Jake smiles and places the ring on her finger as he stands. The couple mutes out the applauding crowd as they meet in a passionate kiss, only separating due to the lack of air.

"I love you," Jake whispers, his forehead pressed against Charlie's.

"I love you too," she replies, wrapping her arms around her fiance's shoulders while he wraps his around her waist. The couple smiles at each other before meeting in one more kiss.

They finally discovered True Happiness.

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