Chapter 1: How About Some Entertainment?

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Jake twirled his knife in his right hand, his left hand in his pocket as he walks down the street, heading towards the Radio Shack to catch the news. He sighs, sheathing his knife, as he keeps walking. He feels a hand land on his shoulder, and turns to see the grinning face of Alastor, his sharp, yellow teeth forever exposed.

"Hello, Jake old chap," he says, his voice still sounding like he was on a radio, which would send shivers down the spine of most in Hell. But not Jake. "What are you up to on this fine day?"

"Heading to the Radio Shack to catch the news," Jake responds, pulling the mask off of his face. The mask was rather simple. It covered the lower half of his face, a blood red skull adorning the front. He holds it, seeing as Alastor already knows who he is, his face in an almost permanent frown.

"You should smile, Jake," Alastor says, looking deep into Jake's eyes. "You're never fully dressed without one!" Jake smirks slightly, but even this was enough to please Alastor for the time being. The two turn the corner, Jake putting his mask back on. The Radio Shack enters their view as Alastor and Jake go to the back of the crowd. They get to the back of the crowd, and what the two see makes Jake's heart skip a beat. Sitting next to Katie Killjoy on the news, looking like she was wishing she was anywhere else at this moment, was the Princess of Hell herself. Jake's best friend.

Charlotte Morningstar.

"Charlie," Jake breathes out, just loud enough for Alastor to hear him. He keeps his attention locked on the screen.

Charlie sighs, before she stands up. "Look," she says, addressing the live studio audience. "Every single one of you has something good, deep down inside. I know you do!" She pauses for a moment, a smile coming across her face. "Maybe I'm not getting through to you." The lights go out, and when they come back, a piano has appeared on the stage, and Charlie starts to sing.

Skip to 1:15 in the video.

As Charlie finishes singing, Jake can't help but smile at his friend, but to his annoyance, and more so anger, everyone in the studio starts laughing. He glares daggers through the screen, specifically at Katie Killjoy.

"Well," Charlie says, interrupting the laughter. "We have a patron already who believes in our cause, and he's shown incredible progress!" Katie simply looks at her, boredom evident in her eyes.

"Oh? And who might that be?" Jake can practically feel the venom dripping from her voice.

Charlie tries her best to look confident, although Jake can sense the uneasiness in her. "Oh, just someone named, Angel Dust!" Jake sighs, and facepalms, as the scene keeps going.

He looks back at the TV just in time to see Angel Dust participating in the turf war, causing him to mumble, "Oh goddamnit." When he looks back up, he sees Katie up in Charlie's face, and Jake feels his blood begin to boil.

Charlie gets this look of anger on her face as Killjoy backs up, still laughing. Charlie looks around. "Yeah, well," she starts, before her eyes land on the desk. "How does it feel that I got your pen huh?" Charlie grabs her pen, a look of absolute defiance on her face. "Bitch!" The entire studio falls quiet, as Tom Trench runs off, Killjoy staring daggers into Charlie. Charlie suddenly realizes what she said, as she puts the pen back onto the desk, laughing nervously. "Oops."

Killjoy and Charlie get into a big fight on the screen, the fire alarm going off in the background. Alastor's eyes light up at the chaos in front of him. Charlie and Killjoy clash, screaming at each other, and then the broadcast shuts off, the classic "technical error" message being displayed. Jake starts to walk down the street, followed by Alastor.

"That was the most entertainment I've had in decades," he says, but Jake ignores him, keeping a fast pace as he walks down the street. "What's your rush my good man?"

"I'm going to the hotel," Jake says, as he continues walking, not even glancing back at Alastor.

"Ah yes," Alastor says, quickening his stride to keep pace with Jake. "Am I correct in assuming that young Charlotte is a friend of yours?"

"Yeah. You could say that."

"Well, allow me to join you my friend," Alastor says, his smile beginning to go wider. "I do need some entertainment." In a blur, Jake turns, unsheathing his knife and pressing it against Alastor's neck.

"Now you listen to me, and you listen good," he threatens, ram-like horns beginning to grow on his head, and his normally brown hair turns to a piercing shade of white. "This isn't some kind of game to me. That hotel is her passion project, and it's mine too. You even try to ruin this, I will run your 1920's sounding ass into the ground! Do I make myself clear?"

Alastor, still smiling, gently pushes the blade away from his throat. "Crystal!" Jake sheathes his knife, his appearance going back to its normal state, and he continues to walk.

Eventually, the two make it to the hotel, looking up at the neon sign reading, "Happy Hotel." Jake turns his attention back to the glass doors, and after seeing Alastor also look to the doors, he gives him a nod. Jake raises his hand and gives the door a light knock.

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