Chapter 9: A Perfect Memory

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The scene was rather bizarre in the lobby of the Happy Hotel. Husk sat behind the bar, Angel at a stool in front of the bar, Alastor standing nearby, and Charlie, Vaggie, and Niffty were all parked on a couch with Vaggie in the middle, separating Charlie and Niffty.

After Niffty's slip up, 30 minutes were spent with Alastor, Husk, and Niffty sharing the story as they understood it with Vaggie and Angel interjecting with their own portions.

By the end of it, Charlie is leaning forward on the couch, brows furrowed and a slight frown.

"Let me get this straight," Charlie says, rising to her feet. She starts pacing in the room. "Jake, who I thought DIED last year, has actually been alive this whole time? And on top of that he's been helping Al with his killing spree?"

Alastor clears his throat. "I assure you, my dear, that we only killed those who deserved it."

Charlie pays no mind to the Radio Demon. "I still don't understand why he didn't just... tell me."

Charlie feels a hand on her back and turns to see Vaggie. "Because he was scared, hermana. He was scared that you would hate him after he became someone that caused the very thing that you were trying to stop."

Charlie lets tears start flowing. "I could never hate him..." She reaches into her jacket and pulls out the necklace that Jake had given her years prior.

Husk scoffs from behind the bar. "That's what I told him. But he didn't fuckin' listen."

Vaggie ignores the cat demon and continues to speak. "Look, I wanted him to tell you himself, but that's obviously not happening."

"Sorry," Niffty says from the couch.

"But we can still make this a perfect memory," Vaggie says, a smile starting to form on her face.

Charlie looks up to face her best friend. "How?"

"Alright," Vaggie says, beckoning the rest of the demons closer. "Here's the plan."

As Jake walks down the street towards the hotel, he wracks his brain trying to think of his next move

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As Jake walks down the street towards the hotel, he wracks his brain trying to think of his next move. Valentino and his friends most likely wouldn't be a problem from that point forward.

"I should've killed him," Jake mutters to himself. But then he remembers the fear in the eyes of Vox and Velvet. He knew of their story and he couldn't bear taking the man who took them in away from them. And then he remembers Charlie. Jake was certain she would hate him for all the deaths he's caused already. Or maybe she wouldn't and that one extra kill would've been the tipping point. Jake turns and takes one last long look at the Porn Studios building and lets out a sigh before continuing on his way.

Jake now found the perks of being one of the most feared Overlords in Hell, as pretty much every passerby on the sidewalk would instantly scurry out of his way. Jake found it both amusing but also... saddening. He pulls the mask off of his face and glares at it. This symbol of death and fear known by every demon in Hell.

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