Chapter 6: I'll Always Have You With Me

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Jake sat in his room for a majority of the day, lost in thought. On one hand, he was still incredibly scared about revealing his true self. On the other, he knew that Husk was right and that he should just come clean.

To say that Jake was a complete mess was an understatement. He genuinely had no idea what the right thing to do was.

That's when he lets his mind wander. He lets his mind wander to his youth.


We see younger versions of Jake and Charlie, Jake now missing his scar and with a completely different outfit.

The pair are sitting in a tree house, located in the garden of the Morningstar family home. While flora and fauna were usually rare in Hell, Charlie's mother, Lilith, insisted on tending a garden in the castle. With her permission, Charlie and Jake built the tree house together with the whole project being overseen by Lucifer.

The two simply sit against a wall in the treehouse, side by side. Jake is looking down, fiddling with something in his hands.

"Beautiful night tonight," Charlie says, snapping Jake from his thoughts. He looks over at Charlie who's still staring off into the distance.

"Yep. Beautiful," Jake replies, still staring right at Charlie. Charlie looks over to Jake who quickly looks back down, blushing lightly as Charlie giggles.

Charlie peers towards Jake's lap. "Whatcha got there?"

Jake just stares down at the object in his hand, turning it back and forth. "I uh... I got you something." Jake holds the object up in the light, revealing it to be a small box. A jewelry box. He moves his hand toward Charlie, signaling for her to take it. "I was walking down the street the other day and when I saw this... It made me think of you. And you've just been so nice to me since I got here that I figured I... Well I owed you something."

Charlie fumbles with the object a little, removing the lid. When she does she lets out a small gasp as she pulls a necklace out of the box. The necklace is fairly standard with a small chain but on the end of it is a puzzle piece. Jake reaches into his shirt and reveals that he's wearing a similar necklace but the puzzle piece is different.

Without a word being said, Jake grabs the necklace from her hand, putting it around her neck. The two end up staring at each other's eyes before Charlie looks down at the necklace and begins fiddling with it.

"Thank you," she says, a wide smile on her face. "I love it." Jake smiles as he grabs both necklaces and connects the puzzle pieces together.

"This way, you'll always have a part of me with you. And I'll always have you with me." Tears start brimming in Charlie's eyes as she throws her arms around the male who is surprised by the sudden embrace. However, he quickly melts into it, his arms wrapping around the princess.

Flashback Over

Jake still sits on the bed, a small necklace in his hands. He turns it, revealing a puzzle piece hanging from one end of it, its surface a brilliant marble.

I made a promise long ago that I wouldn't leave you. And I don't intend on breaking it.

With a determined look, Jake takes the necklace and wraps it around his neck. Jake goes to leave the room but pauses. He reaches a hand up and tucks the necklace into his shirt before finally twisting the doorknob and leaving.

From now on, I'll always have you with me.

I guess I have some explaining to do.
First off, it was never my intention to leave this story to collect dust for two months. All I can say is that writer's block is an absolute bitch. This part of the story went through multiple rewrites as I was initially going to introduce the secondary antagonist here (the primary antagonist of course being Jake's inner turmoil about revealing who he is, thus making him his own antagonist). I instead decided to show a tender moment from Jake and Charlie's past to better establish their connection and why they feel the way they feel about each other.
Anyway, I should probably stop this A/N as this has already contributed to 100+ words on this part, soooooo...
Ciao for now!

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