Chapter 3

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By the time it was time for me to start working, Leon was offaly close to my side. For whatever reason. Though I was grateful for it. I really began to miss home. I felt Leon wrapped his arm around me.

"It's ok dude, everyone got homesick here, need a hug?", Leon asked.

"I'm good", I lied to him.

I really enjoy a hug but depending on what the others think I can't exactly be myself.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back", Leon told me.

I nodded in response. I don't know why but I kind of began freaking out. My ghost friend had to snap me out of it.

"Heyheyheyhey- relax!", my ghost friend exclaimed.

My ghost friend always helped me relax. They've been there since I first moved to the village. They first spoke to me around age 7, to comfort me. We practically grew up together. They named themself Kiyondo, mixed my name with the prince's since they found it neat. Kiyondo and I are like brothers! Except, they're non binary, as they say. Though they don't mind being called big brother. I didn't know how long I've possibly been crying or not but I did feel someone cup my cheeks.

"It's ok", a male told me.

I couldn't look at him, for whatever reason. He lightly lifted me up and rested my head on his chest. A rather muscular one too. But yet again, it could be anyone who caught me. I grew somewhat tired so I closed my eyes.

"Yes my baby brother get that rest, you deserve it", Kiyondo whispered.

I heard a light chuckle then someone wrap their arms around me. They seemed to have notified another guard about something and then sat in the chair I sat in and allowed me to rest there. He began to caress my cheek as if it's to calm me down.

"How's he feeling?", I heard another guard ask.

"He's just worked up, he's ok, I've dealt with this situation before", the man holding me told.

"Alright good luck Leon", the guard, Kaito, told.

All Leon did was laugh, and continued to caress my cheek. After a while someone fluffed up my hair.

I felt comfortable. So I fell asleep

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377 words!

Your love is all I need(fantasy au)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt