Chapter 13: Making Amends!

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Chapter 13: Making Amends!

*Sakura's POV*

I decided to hang out with Yui today because I got bored and my phone ran out of battery.

Sad times, I know, Natsumi said she'll charge it for me so I could use the time to make an effort and hand out with Yui. I didn't even try to argue with her about it 'cause I know I'd never win.

I'm surprised this place even has plug sockets for us to charge our phones on.

Plus, Yui's not all that bad. She did admit to Laito that she thinks of me as a friend she cares about, so that's got to count for something, right?

"What do you like to do for fun, Sakura?" Yui asked.

I started counting the things I do for fun using my fingers. "Hm, let's see...Pranking, watching movies, pranking, reading, pranking, playing the violin, pranking, singing-"

"I guess you really love pranking people don't you?"

I grinned and nodded. "You bet!"

"Have you pulled any pranks recently?" She asked curiously.

I smirked and laughed a little. "Of course! Why, my genius knows no bounds, for I pulled a prank on Laito while the sun was out and everyone was asleep. He's pissed me off lately, so I've decided to give him a little 'surprise' in bed this morning."

Yui gasped. "Sakura, did you-"

"NO!" I shook my head. "No, no, it's absolutely not what you're thinking. I wouldn't do that at all in my entire existence, never mind do 'it' now. I'd rather wait until we're married to do something like that together...not that I want to get married to him or anything, I know..."

"You want to keep yourself pure until your find your 'Mr. Right', I completely understand." Yui said with a soft smile while plucking a rose from the rose bush we were stood in front of in the garden.

I gave her a closed-eye smile. "So, does that mean you've found your 'Mr. Right'? Is it someone I know?"

Obviously it's Ayato, but it's fun to tease someone about this kind of stuff without them teasing me about it for a change.

Also, I'm not the only one who wants the Yayato (AyatoXYui) ship to sail. I'm just doing everyone a favour by getting her to admit it.

Yui's face was as red as the rose she held in her hand. I tried so hard not to laugh. "W-What? M-Me? I-"

She was cut off by the sound of the piano playing. It sounded so melodic and beautiful, yet dark at the same time.

"Let's go check it out." I said while looking at at the window I could hear the music from.

"Sure." Yui agreed before we made our way back into the mansion and followed the direction the music was coming from.

As we were walking down a couple of hallways, I saw a pair of red eyes glowing in the shadows which made the hairs at the back of my neck stand. Those eyes gave off a dark and sinister aura which made me grab Yui's wrist and run as fast as we could to the room we could hear the music in.

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