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(a/n:there's a time jump here, it's like, the first or second day of christmas break :) also possible trigger warning, drinking)

~Cassiopeia Blacks POV~

So basically, here's the breakdown. All though it's a possibility my dad could've just blown up in the moment, and said something he regret, I still took his word when he told me to never come home again.

Which honestly, I'm completely fine with. I was never one who was big on the holidays, I have a lot of flashbacks being around like that, everyone home in the house, it messes me up a little bit.

It took a hell of a lot of convincing to get Sir and Reg to go home and not worry about me, well, who am I kidding they're absolutely still worrying, but I'm worried about them too, being home with dad and stuff.

But, on the bright side, there's a whopping six Gryffindors on campus, and two of them are Remmy and I.

It's been oddly comforting though, the good thing about Remmy is everything's sorta go with the flow, there's no need to constantly be with each other hanging out, if we do something, we do something, if not, we don't.

There was only one other person in the common room with me, and not that I usually care what people think, but it really didn't matter now.

So yes, I am laying with my legs up against the back of the couch as I dangle my head down while I read. It's comfortable okay.

It was probably about 7:15, if not close to it, give or take, so most people were winding down from the day at this point.

I was skimming through the lines, paying attention to literally nothing around me, until i felt someone grab my legs, pulling me up onto the back of the couch.

I got nervous for a moment until my eyes met Rem.

"Hii" He said, giving me a goofy smile

"Whats up?" I asked

"Nothing, you?" He asked

"Reading" I said

"Really? Didn't notice" He said before he let go of my legs again, causing me to fall back down onto the couch. But he came down and sat next to me, so it's fine.

I went back to reading as he just stared off into space, which he does a lot, it's normal, for all of us really.

He knows how good this book is though, cause he recommended it to me, so he didn't get confused when I just kept reading until he let out a sigh, I didn't look up from my book, I just stopped reading for a second since I had a feeling he was about to speak. Which I was right.

"You wanna get drunk and spill our darkest secrets to each other?" He said, I rested my book on my chest, contemplating for a second.

"Sure" I said, slowly sitting up.

"Well shit we're going now before you change your mind" He said before he picked me up, and slung me over his shoulder, carrying me up to their dorm, shutting and locking the door behind him.

I walked over and sat on his bed while he rummaged through a trunk, and after a minute, pulled out two solo cups, a bottle of fire whiskey, and two shot glasses.

"Okay, call me crazy, but the last time I checked, there's only two of us, why the need for four glasses?" I asked

"Please, don't be a rookie Cass, start with the shots to get everything rolling, then just sip to keep the edge off" He said

"Okay, fair" I said

"Okay, come here" He said after a minute. I reluctantly got up off the bed and walked over.

Wait, there's another?-its only the beginning-1 UNDER SEVERE EDITINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant