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~Cassiopeia Blacks POV~

The guys were showing me up to the Gryffindor common room, and what painting to say the password at.

Rem did end up showing me where my room was since McGonnagall and Dumbledore told me my room number.

So, I started looking around, and filing some stuff into my closet, it was all I knew to do.

There was then a knock on my door, followed by it opening abruptly. I wasn't shocked to see Sirius there. He's not one to wait for you to say "come in"

"Whats up?" I asked

"Just wanted to check you were good" He said as he jumped on the bed.

We talked for a few minutes until there was a knock on the window, I opened it to an owl who gave me a rolled up piece of parchment.

"What is it?" Sirius asked

"My schedule" I said

'Hello Ms.Black, here's your schedule for this semester, I tried to put you in a class with each of Sirius and Remus' friends, I made the assumption that you know them, at least most of them, good luck on your first day~ M.M.'

"Whos M.M?" I asked

"Minnie McGonnagall" Sir said as he took the piece of parchment from my hands.

"Okay, so she was right you do have a class with each of us, you have charms with Flitwick and Peters in it with you" He started

"Okay" I said

"Then you have astronomy second with me, your favorite brother" He continued

"Sure, yeah, totally, favorite brother" I said, he rolled his eyes at me

"Then potions with Slughorn, and James' is in it with you, then you have transfiguration with no other then Minnie herself, and Rems in it with you" He continued

"Okay" I said, what type of last name is Slughorn?

"Then you have herbology with all of us" He said

"Okay" I said

"Okay, I'm bored, let's go to my room" He said, followed by him grabbing my wrist, I didn't realize it was sore til he did that.

I must've let out a small gasp or something because he turned

He pulled up my sleeve a little bit, revealing the bruise forming on my wrist.

"Did dad do this?" He asked

"It's not a big deal, I didn't even realize it til now Si" I said

"Cassi it is a big deal, not only did he lay a hand on you, but he grabbed you hard enough for it to leave a defined hand print shaped bruise on your arm" He said.

"That's it though, it's not like I'm going home again, he told me to never come back" I said

"I doesn't matter if your coming back or not, it matters that he did it in the first place Luck" He said

Wait, there's another?-its only the beginning-1 UNDER SEVERE EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now