Chapter Eighteen.

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“What happened?” I said looking out my window, there I found Hunter barking. I ran downstairs and saw him. “HUNTER! Why do you have blood on your face?” I checked him but there was no stitches or any sign of harm in his body. He started to move around a lot and I felt a feeling in my chest. I got into my car with Hunter and quickly drove to Holly’s.

“Ross?” my mom called, but I couldn’t lose another minute, Hunter barked harder and louder every time, I was scared. Anyways, I got to her place but the door was close, I jumped the fence and got in with the help of the back door. Thank whoever invented them. Hunter followed me and then made me walk were Holly was. She was laying down in the cold hard ground, blood everywhere. I took her, holding her and ran outside the house.

“HELP! PLEAASEE! HELP! SOMEONE! HELP!” I screamed with all my lungs, I gave up and fell to the ground crying, this was all my fault. Five minutes later, her neighbor came out, he was a doctor and her wife was too. They called 911 and left with her to the clinic. I followed them with my car, but they didn’t let me in so I had to wait outside. I was covered in blood and worried not knowing about her anymore.

“Where is she?” a crazy girl said; Riker, Ratliff, Daniel, Rydel and Rocky were with her.

“Emergency room, they still won’t let me in,” the girl basically threw herself to me and started hitting my chest.

“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU DOUCHEBAG. You left like this my friend, I hate you, you’re the worst! You’re the worst person I had ever met, look, she’s there in that emergency room fighting for her life and it’s all because f you! You don’t deserve someone like her to love you,” she said crying and I started crying too. Riker held her and took her to another room, Rocky and Rydel hugged me.

“We’re here for you bro,” they said at the same time. I drowned myself in their shoulders crying, I couldn’t believe this was happening. After a while, I left to the bathroom to wash my face and crashed into Daniel, he looked at me with a judging glare.

“I told you not to play with her, see what you had caused? You never loved her, and if you did, you wouldn’t done this to her. And she wouldn’t be about to lose her life.”

“I love her Daniel. Most than you ever did.”

“What you did can’t be forgiven Ross, you failed to us and to her. Now leave her, she doesn’t need you more in her life. If Holly survives, leave her alone. Like Cassie said, you don’t deserve her love. Please Ross, do it for her.” Daniel said and I nodded, he left and I locked myself in a bathroom booth and started to cry. I didn’t want to let go, but this was the kind of mistake you can’t un-do.

I hurt her, I swore to myself I wouldn’t do it. And I did. I don’t care if it was a drug mistake or not, if I loved her so much, I would have to let her go. For her. Even though that could cost my happiness. I left the booth and walked to the guys, “Cassie” was drinking pills or something, Rocky told me. After a few hours, the doctor came out of the emergency room.

“How is she?” I asked immediately.

“She’s doing better, Holly was two minutes dead, but we could make her come back to life, but she’s needing oxygen in her brain which can cause serious complications.”

“What kind of complications?” asked Riker.

“Loss of memory, amnesia or…”

“Or what?” Rocky asked.

“Coma…” I took my head in hands, it was all my fault and I wouldn’t ever ever forgive myself, after talking with the doctor and calling her parents I got in to see her lovely face.

“Holly, you may or not hear me, but, I… I wanted to explain. What happened that night, the night you saw me, wasn’t a decision taken by me. Kylie made my drink and got drugs into it, she confessed it to me. I, I am really sorry, I never wanted things to turn out this way. I really truly love you.”

I kissed her cold forehead, cold as ice. Her cheeks were light pink and her eyes looked big for the tears I had made her drop. I didn’t deserve such an amazing girl. But I still loved her. I left the letter I had written, a page written every day since I met her, it looked like a little book. I left it inside the little table besides her and left.

“Daniel?” said Holly’s mother at the phone in Daniel’s house.


“It’s Holly. She just woke up and is demanding to see you,” Daniel left his house running and drove to the hospital, when he arrived to Holly’s room she found her innocent face.

“Hey Holly,” Daniel said softly.

“Hey love.”

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