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The female organic was very bouncy. I realized that after leaving that older male organic and that weird room. The female organic was instantly in front of me, smiling happily and bouncing on her feet. She took my hand and brought me to the room I saw her sleeping in before. There were colorful things strewn about on the floor, and that weird pink creature was there too, lying on the couch.

"So, I was thinking of introducing you to the fine world of arts and crafts!"

It felt very odd being able to understand them. All I've ever known was the harsh words and tones of my dad and his friends. But now I've heard all four of the organics I've seen speak.

The female organic's voice sounded light and warm. It was like something bright. I noticed she herself also wore bright clothes, long sleeved shirts and shorts with shiny things along the sides. Her hair was long like mine, but brown instead and it looked nicer.

The younger male organic's voice sounded weak yet firm. There was an underlying tone I couldn't name, but there were times it left his voice. He had on a short sleeved shirt and shorts. I noticed his hair also looked very unruly, and he had a hat with a symbol on it.

At first I was surprised to see two older males that looked exactly alike. I did notice similarities between the younger organics, but the different gender set enough differences. After a while, I noticed a few subtle difference between the two males, mainly in how one wore a long jacket with a lot of pockets. That was the one who said that I've seen him before. But I don't remember ever seeing him before, and I think I would've remembered if I did. All I ever see is my dad and his demons, so seeing someone else would've stuck in my mind.

The organic had sat down on the couch and was opening a purple container. She gestured for me to come over and sit down next to her, which I did. I could see multiple different colored items in the container. The organic was taking some out and laying them on the small table. I saw a few white sheets as well, though some were stained with different colored lines.

"Okay, so I guess we should start with something small." The female said before taking out what looked like a whole mound of white sheets sewn together on the side. "I used this during my Early Childhood Education course in school. It's for drawing."

She put it down in my lap and opened it. I could see lines on the sheets, forming images.

I couldn't help putting my finger on one. The organic smiled again. "It's a picture! Now you take these markers and you try to fill in the lines."

She picked up a colored stick and revealed there was a top on it, a smaller edge underneath. She put the tip on the sheet and dragged it sideways.

I was shocked when it left a line matching its color behind it. She called it a marker, and I picked up a different one. I pulled the cap off, yanking it too fast and almost hitting the female, and placed it on the sheet. It left a line as well, and there was something in me that enjoyed seeing it. I made it move around, creating swirls all over it.

When I was done, I saw the female organic watching me. She was smiling again.

"Good. I'll teach you how to color it and stuff."

I nodded. I wanted to do more of this.

The female organic smiled back. "By the way, I don't know if you remember, but I'm Mabel."


I liked that. It was simple and nice to hear. My fingers rubbed against the sheet, feeling the texture. I held it up and looked at Mabel, pointing at it.

Mabel seemed confused for a second before understanding what I was asking. "That's paper. You write or draw on it. You can even fold it and make cool things."

She took a loose piece of the paper and put it front of me. I flinched when she took my wrists, but calmed when she just put them by the paper. She started instruction me on how to fold it, keeping her hands on my wrists to help me. When we was done, she picked it up and held it up to me. Now the paper looked kinda like an arrow.

I slowly reached up and touched it, taking it carefully when Mabel said I could.

"It's a paper airplane. You throw it." Mabel instructed, her arm making a throwing gesture.

You just throw it? That's it? I looked down at and threw it away from me.

I was surprised when instead of falling, it seemed to fly for moment. It went straight across the room and hit the wall, the tip crinkling from the impact.

"That was a good one!" Mabel said as she got up and went to get it. When she came back, she took another marker and started drawing small designs on the side.

When she was done, she handed it to me.

"Here you go. Your first craft!" She said, grinning.

I took it into both my hands. There were now pink and yellow swirls along the sides and small wavy lines. I could see two little people on one of the inner flaps; one with brown hair and one with yellow hair.

I looked up at Mabel to see her smiling at me.

Slowly, I gave a small smile back.


Bill stood on the outskirts of the barren land that the portal burned up all those years ago. His hair occasionally moved from the wind, same as his jacket. His hands were behind his back as he studied the land, watching small weirdness bubbles form and the colorful weirdness continue to rise.

Not so barren anymore.

Bill shifted on his feet, raising his hands up to his side. They slowly started to glow, consuming his entire hands to the wrists. His one good eye started to glow too.

Slowly, he felt something open in his mind. It was small, but it was there, like a little rip into another place.

He grinned. His hands brightened, and slowly his feet left the ground. His arms raised to above his head, the weirdness around him being absorbed into his spirit.

Once he had a clear image in his mind, he started to cackle.

He did it. It was just a step in his plan, but it was a big step. His laugh grew louder until it echoed all around him, heard by demons for miles and miles.

Now, to visit a few certain someones.

I don't have anything to say here. Just enjoy the chapter😊😘

P.S.Happy late Star Wars Day!

Daughter of Bill CypherWhere stories live. Discover now