Arriving at the mansion

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Stan whistled as he walked down the shack stairs, having dumped his bags in his old room. He had grabbed a can of apocalypse meat (he didn't care what his brother said, it was still delicious) and wandered into the kitchen to find a can opener.

"Eh!" He jumped when he noticed the girl staring out the window. She looked over her shoulder at him, immediately tensing up.

"Sorry, kid. Just jumpy, I guess." The man said as he kept a good distance between them, knowing she was still apprehensive to them. He reached the kitchen and found a can opener.

"Why're you looking out there?"

Having expected no answer, he looked back down and started turning the can.

Instead, he heard a small tapping noise.

Looking up, he saw the girl tapping her finger against the window, her eyes still on him as she pointed outside.

"Oh, you mean Ford and the kids? Don't worry, they'll be back soon."

That didn't seem to reassure her. Her arms wrapped around her stomach and she hunched over slightly, still staring out the window.

Stan shifted uneasily, spooning some of the canned meat out of the can. He didn't really want to leave her here, nervously waiting for them to come back. But he remembered Ford saying that she had to stay on the shack, so that limited the things she could do to keep herself entertained.

Glancing around, he finally got an idea.

"Hey, kid."

Yellow eyes looked over at him again.

"You ever seen a movie?"


It took an hour to get to the Northwest mansion since it was all the way on the other side of town and then some.

When they finally pulled up to the gates, Mabel and Dipper stared openly in confusion. Even Ford arched an eyebrow at the sight.

The mansion seemed like it had fallen into disrepair, yet at the same time still seemed lively and active. The colors of the walls had faded, but the actual structure seemed taken care of. The gate had lost its splendor, but wasn't rusted. The fountains inside the gate were rundown, the only things that seemed to not be taken care of.

"Looks like one of those houses from a horror movie." Mabel muttered.

Ford pulled up in front of the gate and opened the window when Dipper pointed out the intercom on the side. He reached out and pressed the red button.

After a few seconds, they heard a small crackle followed by a voice.

"Who's there on this hootenanny day? Ya got identification?"

'Yep, that's definitely McGucket.' Dipper thought as Ford leaned out the window to be closer to the intercom.

"Fiddleford, it's Stanford Pines. I need to talk to you."

There was just static for a moment, Mabel tilting her head to see the device.

Finally, the voice came again. "I'm in the second laboratory on your left. My assistant will let you in."

The gates opened, rather cleanly despite the years passing, and Ford pulled into the long driveway. They got to the front and the twins got out. Ford reached into the back and grabbed a small bag before getting out as well.

They walked up the steps and reached the front door. Mabel glanced up at the plaque that once said 'Northwest Mansion.'

Now it said 'McGucket Laboratory.' Written over the bronze words in spray paint.

Ford hit the doorbell. It let out a loud clang. After a minute or two, they heard multiple locks click on the other side of the door and it opened with a creak.

Mabel gawked. Dipper's mouth fell open. Ford tilted his head in confusion.


I feel bad for making this one so short, but I couldn't fit all I wanted to in one chapter so I had to cut it off at this point.

Anyway, I was going to use some movies in this story, and I was wondering if anyone had a specific movie or show they wanted our main character to watch. Anything you think will help her? Or just simply want to see her watch? I'm open to anything. I've learned from personal experience that people relax and become less guarded while watching a movie or show. I connected with a few of my friends while talking about or watching shows like Friends, Parks and Rec, and yes, even Gravity Falls. So I wanted to try and put that type of...therapy, for lack of a better word, into this story.

So, just let me know. I love all my readers.

P.S. I've settled on updating at least once a week, if not more. Not a specific day, just once a week.

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