Movie #2

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Mabel and Dipper had already seen the sheer havoc the girl reeked on food, so they just ate their slices. However, the same couldn't be said for Ford and Pacifica, who could just watch in amazement as the child emptied a box and a half on her own.

Her first slice was a plain cheese, Mabel placing her plate in front of her before getting her own. The small group sat down at the table and started eating. Mabel sat next to the girl and showed her how to hold the pizza so the cheese didn't slide off.

The expression on her face when she bit into it was one of sheer bliss.

When she finally stopped, Dipper had taken the empty box to the recycling. The girl glanced at Ford and Pacifica, who were still in mild surprise, and looked down at her lap.

"Wow. And I thought I was bad." Pacifica muttered.

Ford mentally counted up the number of slices. "Fascinating. She ate over 9 pieces of pizza in under an hour. Mabel, you said this was normal?"

The young woman nodded. "Yeah, when she first got here, I gave her pancakes, and she wound up eating like 12 of those. Then this morning she had two helpings of scrambled eggs and bacon. And you just saw what she did to the pizza."

Ford nodded and glanced back at the girl, who was now looking at him. "Have you ever eaten this before?" He asked, pointing to his slice.

The girl shook her head.

"Have you ever eaten anything like this before?"

Another head shake.

Ford seemed to think for a few minutes, both hands going up to cover his head.

"Um, Mr. Pines?" Pacifica asked in mild concern.

Both girls heard his voice from behind his arms.

"She hasn't eaten food ever."

Mabel's eyes widened. Then she remembered how sickly thin she was when she...when that little misunderstanding happened.

"Wait, how is that possible?" Pacifica asked. "A living thing needs substance and nutrition to survive. How is she still breathing is she's gone god knows how many years without the basic necessities?"

Ford put his arms down, one hand rubbing at his eyes under his glasses. "Creatures from the Nightmare Realm are able to make Weirdness take a physical form and consume it, usually in a liquid state. I was able to witness it, having thought Weirdness could be considered an actual element. They're able to live on the substance alone. I'm guessing since the Nightmare Realm is practically void of any other type of substance, and considering her...experiences, she was only given enough Weirdness substance to survive."

Dipper had walked in during that theory, Mabel quickly filling him in. So now all of them were in mild surprise and slight horror, unable to imagine spending possibly 100+ years with only enough nutrients to stay alive.

Mabel noticed the girl glancing at her own third slice. She didn't hesitate to slide it over.

The smile she got back was enough of a thank you.


After dinner, Dipper and Ford went down to the lab. Grunkle Stan was still sleeping in his chair, while Pacifica put her bags in the extra bedroom. Once the past valley girl came back downstairs, she found Mabel spreading movie boxes on the floor of the living room. The girl sat on the couch, watching her work.

Pacifica came over and sat down next to Mabel, glancing at the movies. "What are you doing?"

"Grunkle Stan showed her Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today. I'm sure it was fine, but it got me thinking. This is a really good way to introduce her to our world, and we have enough time tonight to watch something else. But I'm trying to think of something that would be good for her second movie ever."

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