Regular level of Shambles

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Fiddleford and Ford spent the rest of the afternoon calculating and working out the requirements needed to repair the mind machine. It was getting dark as the twins carried pieces of machinery out to the truck, Pacifica helping. She had also volunteered coming back to help with the repairs, which the others were fine with.

Fiddleford promised he would look into the entire circumstance and come up with possible explanations. With the twins in the back and Pacifica in the passenger seat, Ford waved goodbye to his old friend and got into the truck.

A good while later, the world so dark that the headlights had to be turned on, they pulled onto the dirt road that led up to the mystery shack.

"Ugh, I could eat a horse right now!" Mabel groaned as she climbed out, having been commenting on her hunger the whole ride home. Dipper just rolled his eyes and got out himself. The shack seemed okay, in its regular degree of shambles just like they left it. All the lights were off though, which seemed a bit strange. Ford was in a hurry as he got onto the porch and went in.

Thankfully, the inside of the shack also looked normal. He found his brother asleep in the living room, which sent a small jolt of panic when he didn't immediately see the girl. But that was cooled down when he saw her glittering eyes staring at him from behind the couch. He also noticed the tv was on, though now it just showed a static screen.

"Hello." He said, to which she again gave no reply. "You can come out, I'm sorry if my brother can sometimes be a bit annoying. But we're making dinner soon, so you're welcome to sit and wait."

Dipper and Mabel came in, followed by Pacifica. They left the machinery in the truck, figuring they could do the heavy-lifting tomorrow. Dipper turned on the main lights as he entered.

Ford walked back into the store. "Okay, kids, I don't think any of us are up for making something, so why don't we just order a pizza?"

At the enthusiastic nods and words, Ford went to find his phone. Mabel immediately walked into the living room, turning on the light as she came.

"Hi." She smiled at the girl staring at her. "What were you doing in the dark?"

The girl's eyes looked up at the light, and then to where Mabel's hand still rest by the switch. Mabel followed her gaze and remembered that they hadn't had the lights on earlier since the sun came through the windows. So the room darkened as the outside darkened, and the girl had no idea how to turn on the lights.

"Sorry about that." Mabel said. "You see this little switch? You just flip it upward, and the light turns on, and down if you want it off."

She walked closer and sat down in the couch, peering at the child over the side. "What did you do while we were gone? Did you do something with Grunkle Stan?"

The girl tipped her head, probably in confusion. Then she lifted up an arm and pointed at the tv.

"You watched a movie?" Mabel questioned. She spied a dvd box on the table and picked it up. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. She remembered that movie. Despite half of her brain excited at showing her favorite movies to the girl, the other half wasn't sure if this was the best way to introduce her to this part of the world.

She put the box down and got up. She can figure that out another time.

Smiling again at the girl, she offered her hand. The child hesitated for a moment before reaching out and carefully taking it. Mabel considered that a win.

She led her to the table and gestured to the chair. "We're ordering a pizza, so you can just wait here."

The girl sat down and watched her leave.

Mabel went back into the gift shops to find Pacifica had it her stuff on the counter before wandering off. Ford came back out of the basement with his phone and found the number of the pizza place in town on the fridge (along with a crude sketch of a pizza slice with the words 'infinite pizza!' in the corner).

Mabel caught the tail end of his order, and tugged on his arm.

"Actually Ford, make that three pizzas please."

At his questioning look as he changed the order, Mabel smirked.

"She eats a lot. You will be amazed."


Fiddleford worked for another hour or two as he went over the plans for the new mind machine he and Ford drew up. While it was finale, he couldn't help going back and rechecking.

The mansion felt a little lonely now that he knew Pacifica wasn't on the upper floor. After two years of both of them living here, she was a constant in his life. He almost thought of her as a daughter or niece, especially since her parents were thousands of miles away and didn't care enough to ever call.

He put down the plans and wandered over to a small section of the room that had a fridge. Opening it, he took out some leftover Chinese food for dinner.


Fiddleford looked up at the whispery voice, but saw nothing. The room was empty of life except him.

Shrugging it off as wind, he turned to the table and put the food down.


Bill smirked as he used his covered eye to peer into the fleshie world. It didn't take that long to find Gravity Falls, and luckily Shooting Star just happened to be in the dream state at the time. Granted, her reaction was unexpected, but it was fun messing with her. He hadn't had a chance to blow off some steam ever since his daughter was spit out into their world.

Now he was just messing around with that scientist. He remembered Ford mentioning him, a man who helped him create the portal. He was currently the only one not protected by a shield or spell, so he was the only one he could mess around with.

But hey, he'll take it. This was all just child's play after all, until the main event comes. It may take some time, but he had nothing but time. One of those humans was bound to slip up, and when they did, he would strike.

And then their whole universe would be his personal play toy.

Since Memorial Day was yesterday, I'd like to give a shout out to anyone who served or their relatives served in the forces. Give them my thanks.

Enjoy the new chapter!

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