Getting Railed like a Ragdoll by God

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George lets out a soft grunt as his iron axe hits the thick tree trunk once again. He had been out here for a while, collecting wood for a small second cabin in a nearby dark oak forest to store his loot.

He picked up the pieces of mined wood and looked up, freezing at the sight. He, unfortunately, hadn't paid attention to the setting sun, or the lowering temperatures while dangerous mobs slowly spawned all around him.

The low groans of the zombies and clacking of the skeletons' bones pulling back bows send him into a panicked and anxious state. He reached to his inventory with a shaking hand, searching for something to save himself from an inevitable slow and painful death.

"Please, oh my god please, a sword, shield, or even just a bed- anything." He begged to empty air.

His hand had reached the bottom of his bag. He felt a presence behind him and heard the pulling of a bow. He turned around, and- he let out a high-pitched scream as the ground under him disappeared, and was replaced with nothing-ness. He looked down, his pretty eyes watering from the cold air whipping past. Under him was a black void.

His limbs were frozen in fear, tingles running through his soles and lower stomach. He let out a soft sob, heart beating too fast, begging for help from anyone, anything. A tear slipped from his eyes as terror filled him to the bones.

An ear-splitting noise surrounded him. He couldn't tell whether it was his screaming, or the wind going against him. He felt like he couldn't breathe, struggling to think as more tears spilled. He closed his eyes, accepting his fate.

Except nothing happened. A voice filled his head. It sounded like a low, comforting hum compared to the deafening noise he heard before.

"I'm very sorry for scaring you. Are you okay?" The voice spoke. The voice sounded worried, sweet- like honey in tea, swirling around the warm cup holding the liquid.

Suddenly everything stopped, and he could feel warm rays of the sun shining down onto him.

He was laying in a field of grass, except the grass was softer than he had ever felt before. His heart was still beating erratically, and he was still frozen. After a few deep breaths, he leaned upon shaking arms. He opened his eyes and squinted against the bright sun.

"Hello again. You seem scared." The voice returned.

George blinked fast and sat up completely, wiping away his glistening tears with the back of his hand. He tried to speak, but couldn't find it in himself to make any noise. His mouth opened and closed a couple of times, before forming a sentence.

"Who-", he licked his dry lips and tried again. "Who are you?" His voice sounded shaky and cracked. He winced at how scared he sounded in front of a potential enemy.

The voice came from behind him now. A low chuckle, followed by: "You're cute. I've never seen you before."

George swallowed, his heartbeat slightly returning to normal. The adrenaline rush had left his body and instead was replaced with pure exhaustion.

"You didn't answer my question." He stated, his speech slurring towards the end, peeking behind him but noticing nothing.

"Go to sleep. I will wake you."

George was about to protest, but felt his eyes slipping shut. He took a few deep and slow breaths and tried to open them again, but couldn't. He fell backward, but instead of being met with the ground he felt before, he felt fabric.

He felt himself slowly falling more asleep, but couldn't fully rest. His mind kept him awake, asking questions about the voice, who, what, why, how-

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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